Viewing and Printing Reports

The View/Print Options and the Report Viewer can both be used to view, print and save reports. They are described in the following sections.

View/Print Options

Viewing, printing, and saving options are displayed in the View & Print Options window.

Access this window by clicking the View/Print button on the report window, before you click Continue to process the report. The fields in the View & Print Options window are described in the following table.

If you have the Print checkbox selected, the report will be sent to the printer identified in the Printer field. If you have the View checkbox selected, the report appears in your default browser window once processing is complete. Use your browser’s controls to modify the text size if desired, and scroll through the report to view it.

Note: The default view/print settings are set up for a user using the User Profile option in Setup. Settings for individual reports can also be specified using the Report Configuration option in Setup.

File name variables

The following variables can be used in file names. Add variables in brackets (<>). For example, if report settings for bundle tops are set up to name the file “BUNDLE.<C>,” and bundle tops are run on April 1 2022, the resulting file name will be “BUNDLE.040122.”

Last updated
