Viewing and Printing Reports
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The View/Print Options and the Report Viewer can both be used to view, print and save reports. They are described in the following sections.
Viewing, printing, and saving options are displayed in the View & Print Options window.
Access this window by clicking the View/Print button on the report window, before you click Continue to process the report. The fields in the View & Print Options window are described in the following table.
Indicate whether the report should be created now or deferred until a later date. You can view and print the report only if this field is set to now . Deferred and saved reports can be printed using the View/Print Utility (see View/Print in the Utilities chapter of the User Manual).
Indicate whether the report should be displayed after processing.
Indicate whether the report should be printed after processing.
If the report is to be printed, enter the device name of the printer.
If the report is to be printed, enter the number of copies.
Indicate whether the report should be saved. Always save reports containing information that will otherwise be lost, such as the Unearned Revenue Report and all publishing and billing reports.
The reports will be saved to one of three directories, depending on the output format:
Text (normal) reports are saved in /dti/spool/cm/normal.
PDF reports are saved in /dti/spool/cm/pdf.
Delimited files are saved in /dti/spool/cm/delimited.
Note: If you have additional database sets, the directory used will be /dti/spool/<dblist>. For example, if you have a separate set of Circulation databases called “cmtest”, PDF reports will be saved to /dti/spool/cmtest/pdf directory. Likewise, if you have specific spool directories defined for your companies in Company setup, the company directory will be between the “spool” and “cm” folder in the report path.
If the report is to be saved to a file on the disk, enter a file name, or press Enter to accept the default file name shown. The default file name is the report name plus the day of the month as a suffix. For example, the Nth Factor report run for April 9 defaults as “NFACTOR.09”.
You can change the default file name in Report Configuration (see Report Configuration in the Setup manual).
A number of variables can also be used in file names, as described below. Variables allow you to define a default file name incorporating the day name, the day of the month, the month name, or other values.
The file name field must contain at least one alphabetic character; otherwise, an error message, "In file name, at least one alpha character is required", will be displayed.
Note: The following characters cannot be used in file names: |`@#$^&*(){},?\/~;" .
Indicate whether to append or replace the report to an archive file, or whether the report should not be archived ( none )
Enter the name of the archive file.
If the report is to be saved to a file on the disk, enter the security ID to place on the file.
If you selected SAVE checkbox, you can select an output option in this field. Your options are Normal , Adobe PDF or, for selected reports, a pipe- Delimited format to import into a spreadsheet. The reports that can be saved as pipe-delimited are AAM History, Paragraph 3, Grace Due, Unearned Revenue, Net Draw, Return Draw Analysis, Summary Age Analysis, and Subscriber Receivables Aging.
* You must select at least one of these options: View, Print, Save, or Archive.
If you have the Print checkbox selected, the report will be sent to the printer identified in the Printer field. If you have the View checkbox selected, the report appears in your default browser window once processing is complete. Use your browser’s controls to modify the text size if desired, and scroll through the report to view it.
Note: The default view/print settings are set up for a user using the User Profile option in Setup. Settings for individual reports can also be specified using the Report Configuration option in Setup.
The following variables can be used in file names. Add variables in brackets (<>). For example, if report settings for bundle tops are set up to name the file “BUNDLE.<C>,” and bundle tops are run on April 1 2022, the resulting file name will be “BUNDLE.040122.”
Current month name (for example, OCT if the report is run in October).
Current month of the year as two digits (for example, 10 if the report is run in October).
Current day name (for example, MON if the report is run on a Monday).
Current day (for example, 14 if report is run on the 14th of the month).
Current day number in the year, 1 through 366. For example, the day number would be 33 if the report is run on February 2. “J” stands for “Julian”, although it refers to the Julian day rather than the Julian calendar. The day numbers actually follow the modern (Gregorian) calendar.
Current week number in the year, 0 through 53 (the first week is week 0 unless it begins on a Sunday, in which case it is week 1).
Calendar date, format MMDDYY.
Calendar date, format YYMMDD.
The last two digits of the current year (for example, 13 if the report is run in 2013).
Sequence number indicating the number of times the report has been run on the current day.
User ID of user running the report.
User’s default product ID (from User Profile CR).