Financial PO
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The 3541 is a report usually required by the USPS when submitting periodical mail. The report lists weights, zones, postage rates, and other information for your mailing. Most post offices allow the Financial PO report to be used in lieu of a 3541. If your business is located in Canada, a Canadian PO report prints instead of a US PO report.
If you are using PostWare to sort 2nd and 3rd class mail (recommended), you would run both this report and the Daily PO Report on each mail publishing day. The Daily PO Report would be run initially so that PostWare can assess how many sacks, trays, etc. will be needed. After the publishing run is finished (and press room information entered), the Financial PO report can be created. This report will reflect the actual mailing figures and can be submitted to the post office.
Note: The Daily PO Report and Press Room History must be completed for each publishing day to be included in the Financial PO Report.
Select Financial PO Report from the Postal menu to display the Financial Post Office Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product for which to run this report (enter “*” to multi-select products.
Enter the run date of the report.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.