Prev Delivery Labels

About Previous Delivery

Some newspapers offer a previous day’s paper to new subscribers. For example, if a subscriber wants to start on a Thursday, the associate may offer the previous Sunday’s paper for free. The subscriber gets the bonus of an extra paper, and the newspaper is able to count some of its leftover Sunday papers as paid circulation. Previous delivery is available for route-delivered subscriptions only (not mail).

Before you can use the previous delivery feature, you must define the previous day (such as Sunday), and at least one day on which previous copies of a publication can be delivered (in Publication setup—see Publication in the Setup Manual).The Prev Delivery field can then be set to “y” during a new start (if there are no “exceptions”—see below). A “Previous Delivery” message will appear on the carrier’s bundle top on the delivery date, and cards for each previous delivery can also be printed, using this option.

In addition to new starts, subscribers with a restart and delivery schedule change may also be eligible for previous deliveries. Business Rules in the Customer Services section govern this.


Your newspaper may limit the previous delivery offer to subscribers with certain rates or on certain routes. You define these limitations in Circulation by indicating who should not be offered previous delivery. Exceptions to previous delivery can be made based on:

  • Route type

  • Route

  • Carrier

  • Subscriber rate code

Route type, route, and carrier exceptions are entered on the Prev Deliv Exception window (see Prev Deliv Exception in the Setup Manual). Subscriber rate code exceptions are defined with the rate codes (see Subscription Rates in the Setup Manual). If a new start, restart or delivery schedule change subscriber has a rate, route, or carrier that is excepted, the Prev Delivery field will not be open (i.e., the previous delivery cannot be offered).

When Are Previous Papers Delivered?

When a new start, restart or delivery schedule change marked for previous delivery is entered, the delivery date for the previous delivery is immediately determined. This delivery date can be ascertained by viewing the Previous Delivery transaction that is created.

The delivery date for the previous paper depends on how you answer the Business Rule— Which date should previous deliveries be based on?, in the Route Processing section. This can be set to “entry date” or “start date”.

If the Business Rule is set to “entry date”, the previous paper will be delivered on the date the transaction is entered (unless Transaction Processing has already been completed, in which case it will be the next publishing day). If the question is set to “start date”, the previous paper will be delivered on the start date of the subscription, with the first regular paper. However, if the start date is not a valid previous delivery day, the “entry date” method will be used.

To illustrate when and how delivery dates are determined, let’s look at an example. Say the Star is set up for previous delivery as follows:

Publication Setup Fields






















Let’s also say the Times is set up the same way, but Business Rules for the Times is set to base the previous delivery date on the start date, while with the Star it is based on the entry date. Now, assume that on Thursday, January 6, we have the following starts (and transactions processing is not yet complete for 1/6):

Start Date
Entry Date
Previous Delivery Based On



1/7 (Fri)

1/6 (Thu)

Start Date



1/18 (Tue)

1/6 (Thu)

Start Date



1/6 (Thu)

1/6 (Thu)

Entry Date



1/19 (Wed)

1/6 (Thu)

Entry Date

Circulation would determine the following dates for delivery of the previous paper:

  • Ella. The Sunday, January 2 paper will be delivered on Friday, January 7.

  • Bob. The Sunday, January 16 paper will be delivered on Tuesday, January 18. Note that if Bob had started on the 19th (a Wednesday, which is not a valid delivery day), the “entry date” method would be used instead, and he would receive the January 2 paper on the 6th.

  • Cara. The Sunday, January 2 paper will be delivered on Thursday, January 6.

  • Greg. He will also get a Sunday, January 2 paper delivered on Thursday, Jan 6.

AAM Considerations

Previous delivery papers can count toward paid circulation as long as the previous paper’s publishing date is within six days of the delivery date. For example, if the previous delivery day is a Sunday, and on Sunday January 2nd we have 40 papers that are subsequently delivered later in the week, 40 copies will be added to the paid circulation for January 2nd.

If AAM has been closed for that date, however, the paid circulation will not be adjusted (see Close Day for AAM). Previous deliveries will not be separated on Circulation’s AAM reports—they will simply be counted as part of the paid circulation.

Draw Adjustments

Previous deliveries create adjustments to route draw. So, if a route has two previous deliveries of the Sunday, January 2nd paper on the following Wednesday, and three on Thursday, the route’s draw for January 2nd will be adjusted by +5.

Transaction Processing will create a suspended batch of draw adjustments using the draw adjust code entered in Business Rules (Which draw adjust code should be used when updating draw for previous paper deliveries? in the Account Finance section). The draw adjust code should use a charge code that is a charge (not credit), and have Charge Account set to “n” and Adjust AAM History set to “y”.

The batch of previous delivery draw adjustments will be named “PDyymmddxx”, where “yymmdd” are the year, month and day respectively, and “xx” is a sequence number. For example, if there are two previous delivery batches for 05/17, they will be named PD00051701 and PD00051702. The draw adjustment batch must be accepted using the Route Adjust option before it can be processed (see Route Adjust).

Note: Draw adjustments made because of previous deliveries affect AAM reporting. The AAM may allow previous deliveries to count toward circulation only on certain days of the week—consult the AAM regulations for more information.

Targeted Marketing

If you credit carriers for the delivery of previous delivery papers, you will need to set up a TM product for previous delivery. You can then credit the delivery carrier with TM credits by setting up a carrier credit rate for the TM product.

To align previous delivery with a TM product, you must answer the Business Rule— Which TM product should be used to credit/charge accounts for previous paper deliveries?, in the Account Finance section. When the previous delivery draw adjustment batch is accepted, Circulation will create TM draw for the product on the delivery date of the previous delivery. You can also print TM bundle tops and other documents for the previous delivery product, which may be helpful to personnel who must ship the correct number of previous deliveries to each route. It might also be useful to have the TM product printed with the publication in the publishing run.

Printing Previous Delivery Labels

One label will be printed for each subscriber who should receive a previous paper on the current publishing date. Previous delivery labels use the Business Rules settings in the Mail Processing section to determine formatting, such as the number of labels across one page and the width of the label.

To print previous delivery labels:

  1. Select Prev Delivery Labels from the Distribution menu to display the Previous Delivery Route Labels window.

  2. Choose the product, edition, departure sequence and truck sequence for which you want to print bundle tops by selecting the appropriate Process checkbox. Note that edition will be “*” unless you have separate publishing runs at the edition level.

  3. The Print Route Name and Print District Name checkboxes appear near the bottom of the window. This is where you indicate whether the route name and/or the district name should be printed on the label in addition to the route and district IDs.

  4. If you want a separate route label file for each route, select the Additional Reports by Route checkbox.

  5. Click Continue to produce the cards.

Example—Previous Delivery Label

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