Nth Factor
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This report is a snapshot in time of each “nth” active office pay subscriber for the selected product and delivery type, beginning with a subscriber selected by number. Such sampling is required during an AAM audit.
While being audited, you may want to run this report with Nth Factor and Start With Subscriber both set to “1”. This will reveal the actual order of accounts and verify that the correct subscriptions are being selected (subscribers are processed in account number order).
If you run the report for all delivery types, Circulation will determine the percentage of each delivery type (route, mail, hybrid, and online) that you have, and will include a proportionate number of subscribers for each delivery type on the Nth Factor report.
The sample size, nth factor, and start number are supplied by the AAM, based on how many office pay subscriptions you have and what your total circulation is.
Select Nth Factor from the AAM menu to display the Nth Factor Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication for which you are creating the report (enter “*” to multi-select publications).
Indicate which type of office pay subscribers should be included (route, mail, online, hybrid, or all).
integer (6)
Enter the number of subscriptions to include in the report.
integer (6)
Enter the total number of office pay subscriptions divided by Sample Size. For example, if you enter 100, one in every 100 subscribers will be included.
integer (6)
Enter an number identifying the first subscriber to be processed. Do not enter the subscriber account number, but rather “10” for the tenth subscriber or “22” for the twenty-second subscriber, etc.
When this checkbox is selected, two reports are generated. One is the Nth Factor report, and the other is a full report (NVACTORFULL) that can be used to verify that the subscribers listed on the Nth Factor report are, in fact, every Nth subscriber. Note: If Include Complete Report is checked, no reports will display or print—you can only save the two reports when this option is selected.
Click OK and then Continue to process the report.