2. Define Selection Criteria for the TM Product
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The selection criteria associated with the TM product determine who will receive the product. There are three components to a selection:
The selection type, which is the entity used for selection (such as demographic, Zip code, dwelling type, etc.).
The include, exclude, or ignore factor, which determines whether the selection type should be included or excluded from the selection, or ignored. If the target population is a smaller, less diverse group, it is better to select by including selection types. If the targeted population is large and diverse, however, it may be easier to narrow down the selection by excluding. If a selection type is irrelevant to your targeted group, you can ignore it.
The selection details, which are the specific values within the entity that should be selected. For example, if the selection type is “City”, the selection values could be “Minneapolis”. For selection types that are included, you can click the selection detail icon () to view the selection values.
Note: When a TM product’s selection set includes multiple criteria, the address/occupant records must match all criteria to be selected. For example, if your selection set includes “females” with “incomes over 200000” in “Zip code 55599”, only records that match all three of these criteria will be selected.
To define selection criteria:
Display the TM product in the Product Detail window if it is not already displayed.
On the Selection tab, identify the selection criteria for this product:
For each selection type, indicate whether you want to Include, Exclude, or Ignore that selection by clicking the appropriate radio button. The following table describes the valid selection types.
If you select Include or Exclude, a Selection Detail pop-up window will appear. Click Add and enter selection criteria. Press F2 for a lookup. For some selection types, an Add+ button is available to enter a search string and multi-select values.
Click OK when you have finished.
The example selection detail depicted below shows that City, Credit Status, Phone Number, and Global Parameters have been set up for selection. Everything else is ignored.
The following table describes the possible selection types.
Ad Zone
Ad zones; can be selected only if InsertPlus is installed
Any valid ad zone. Note that the ad zone must be linked to the TM product directly, and the TM product must be assigned the correct ad zone map (in Deliverable Setup).
Demographic (Address)
A demographic attached to an address (such as “value of house”)
A particular demographic
A specific value or range of values, such as “70,000 - 100,000”, for a house value demographic
Census Tract
A census tract, such as “00121.00000”
A particular census tract
The Census Block, such as “12” that should be selected
A city, such as “Maplewood”
Any valid city.
A country, such as “US” or “CA”
Any valid country
A county, such as “Ramsey”
Any valid county
Distance From
Radius around an address
Number of miles around any valid address, such as 5 miles within a shopping center. If you have implemented mapping using Placebase PushPin, you can also map the results in a browser window.
Dwelling Status
A dwelling status, such as “occupied”
Any valid dwelling status. Note that dwelling status will automatically be a parameter in the selection, if not defined. All dwelling statuses set up to receive TM will be included
Dwelling Type
A dwelling type, such as “house”
Any valid dwelling type
Previous Selection
Whether the address was selected previously
Specific TM product and date range
Any valid TM product and date range.
A route, such as “09”
Any route
A state, such as “MN” for Minnesota
Any state
Town of 25
A Town of 25, such as “Abbey”
Any Town of 25
A truck sequence and truck
Any truck sequence and truck (e.g., truck sequence DAILYDM and truck M10B)
Zip Code
A Zip Code, such as “55119”
A particular Zip code
The specific PO Route for the zip code(s) entered; for example “Rural Route 4”
A newsletter or alert
Any communication item (newsletter or alert). Subscribers opted into the alert will be included (or excluded) from selection. With each communication item selected, a contact method (address, e-mail, phone) must be specified
Credit Status
A credit status, such as “OK” or “Bad”
Any valid credit status. If you maintain credit statuses at a publication level, you must also specify one or more publications (only subscribers that have the credit status for these publications will be selected).
Do Not Call
Flagged for do not call (typically excluded)
A particular area code
Federal or state Do Not Call list
Demographic (Occupant)
A demographic attached to an occupant, such as “number of children” or “gender”.
A particular demographic
A specific value or range of values, such as “male” and “female” for the gender demographic
A phone number type or Do Not Call list setting
Any phone number type or any Do Not Call list (not both). You must also specify an area code, or enter “*” to include all area codes. Phone numbers within the area code having the phone number type or flagged for the Do Not Call list will be selected. DNC list numbers are typically excluded from a TM selection.
An occupant type, such as “regular” or “student”
Any occupant type
Solicitation Code
A solicitation code, such as “nophone”
Any solicitation code. For example, you could assign a “nophone” solicitation code to all occupants who request not to be called, and exclude this code from the TM selection.
Day Pass
A day pass usage
A particular publication
Term Subscription
A publication, such as “Tribune”
A particular publication
Demographic (Subscription)
A subscription demographic
Any subscription demographic that has been set up (e.g., “Nonprofit”)
Bulk Drop
This is used only when selecting addresses for Canadian bulk drop
Zip code and PO Route information, and y/n flags for each bulk drop type
Global Parameters
A collection of various address and occupant parameters
You can modify the default Global Parameters (see below).
Global selection parameters are useful for setting some general guidelines for your selection. The values for this selection type are defaulted, but can be changed. The table below shows possible values for global selection parameters.
Address Only Once in Selection
An address should only be considered once in the TM selection process. For example, more than one occupant may be linked to one address, but you want to limit your product distribution to one product per address, rather than one per occupant.
Each occupant should be selected if all other selection criteria are met.
Address With No Occupant
Addresses can be selected during TM processing without regard to occupants; for example, if an address meets all of your selection criteria, it can be selected whether or not an occupant is associated with it. Note: if Occupant Type is a selection parameter, addresses without an occupant will still be selected, if this field is set to “*” or “Yes”.
Only addresses without occupants should be selected.
Only addresses with one or more occupants should be selected. Note: if a selection has a Publication parameter and the subscriber types do not include “Never Subscribed”, ADDRESS WITH NO OCCUPANT will automatically be set to “no”.
Mail Accessible Status
Addresses can be selected without regard to whether the address is mail accessible (defined in the address record).
Only addresses that are mail accessible should be selected.
Only addresses that are not mail accessible should be selected.
Postal Walk Addresses Only
Only addresses that have postal walk sequences will be selected.
Addresses will be selected without regard to postal walk sequence.
Test First Occupant Only
This parameter affects households with more than one occupant. If you select “yes” and the first occupant identified (i.e., the occupant with the most recently added occupant/address combination) fails the test, then the address will be skipped. Note: Setup of the Exclusion Level field in Term Subscription selection (below) will affect the behavior of this selection parameter.
If you select “no”, the system will continue to test the remaining occupants at that address until a qualifying occupant is found or until it is determined that no occupant qualifies. Note: “Test First Occupant Only” applies only to address/occupant-based selections and does not affect tests that use subscriber-based criteria.
Occupants With Email Address
Select “yes” to include only occupants with an email address on file.
Select “no” to exclude occupants with an email address on file.
Select “either” to include occupants with or without an email address on file.
Search with Primary Address
If occupants have multiple delivery addresses, search only with the primary address.
If occupants have multiple delivery addresses, search only non-primary addresses.
Occupants can be searched using any address.
Include Digital Address
Digital Sales addresses will be selected.
Digital Sales addresses will be skipped.
Day pass selection allows you to specify the publications, editions, date range and other criteria for selecting day pass subscribers. See Day Pass for more information about day passes.
The day pass selection criteria are listed in the table below. If you add multiple records, a subscriber qualifying for any of the day pass selection records will be selected (if they also qualify for the other selection types).
Select the product whose day pass subscribers should be selected.
If only day pass subscribers with a certain edition should be selected, specify the edition here. Otherwise select “*”.
If only day pass subscribers with a certain rate code should be selected, specify the rate code here. Otherwise select “*”.
Specify whether day pass or day pass bundle subscribers should be selected, or choose “*” to include both.
Specify the date range for selecting day pass subscribers. Only subscribers with day pass usage within this date range will be selected. Both dates are required.
integer (8)
Specify the usage range for selecting day pass subscribers. The minimum value is 1 (one usage within the date range). For example, if selecting day pass subscribers for a date range of a year, you might enter 1-365 as your range.
Term Subscription selection allows you to identify a variety of criteria related to publications. You can identify one or more subscriber types, billing methods, rate codes, delivery schedules, or editions for selection. In addition, you can:
Select based on subscribers’ last starts and stops. For example, you could select all active, bank draft auto pay subscribers whose last start was a promotion during a specified date range.
Select based on subscribers’ digital access. For example, you could select subscribers who accessed their digital product between one and ten times between January 1 and June 30.
Note: Term Subscription selection will not select day pass subscribers (they must be selected using Day Pass selection).
The Exclusion Level field allows you to define the selection behavior for each subscriber type when the term subscription selections are set to “Exclude” or “Never.” The exclusion levels work as follows:
Address—If this level is selected, the address will fail if one match is found on the selection.
Occupant—If this level is selected, only the occupant will fail if one match is found on the selection. The logic will continue to test other occupants at the address. If one is found that does not fail the tests, the address will qualify with that occupant.
Occupant+—This selection is valid for a never-subscribed status only. It indicates that a selection must pass the “Occupant” exclusion level test (the occupant can not have had a subscription to the defined publication), and no other active subscription exists at the address. In other words, as long as an occupant who has never subscribed to the defined publication is found at the address, and no other occupant is currently subscribing to the defined publication at that address, then the selection will be valid.
Note: Selections in the Exclusion Level field will also affect the Test First Occupant Only selection (when that option is in use).
You can select day pass subscribers by edition, rate code, day pass type (day pass or bundle), usage date range and number of day passes used. See for more information.
You can identify one or more subscription types, billing methods, rate codes, delivery schedules, or editions for selection. In addition, you can select based on subscribers’ last starts and stops. See for more information.