Merchandise Report

The following data elements can be used with the “MerchandiseRpt” usage.

Account First Name

Bill To Street Name


Account Honorific ID

Bill To Street Suffix ID


Account ID

Bill To Town Of 25 ID

LOT Sequence

Account Last Name

Bill To Unit Designator ID

Mail Accessible

Account Middle Initial

Bill To Unit Number

Merchandise Code

Account Occupant ID

Bill To Zip Bar Code

Middle Initial

Account Occupant Salutation ID

Bill To Zip Code

Military Foreign

Address ID

Bill To Zip Extension

Name Address Lines [1-6]

Billing Method

Campaign Code

Occupant ID

Bill To Address ID

Canvass Board Number

Occupant Type ID

Bill To Building

Carrier ID

Other Name

Bill To Census Block ID

Census Block ID

Other Name Usage

Bill To Census Tract ID

Census Tract ID

Payment Amount

Bill To City ID

City ID

Payment Term Length

Bill To Complex


PO Route Number

Bill To Congressional District

Congressional District

PO Route Type

Bill To Country ID

Country ID

PO Route Walk Sequence

Bill To County ID

County ID

Post Directional

Bill To Dwelling Status Date

Delivery Schedule ID

Pre Directional

Bill To Dwelling Status ID


Process Date

Bill To Dwelling Type ID

Dwelling Status Date

Product ID

Bill To House Number

Dwelling Status ID

Reason Code

Bill To House Number Modifier

Dwelling Type ID

Route Accessible

Bill To Language

Email Address

Route ID

Bill To Latitude

First Name

Source Code

Bill To Level Designator ID

Formatted Phone

State ID

Bill To Level Number

Fulfillment Date

Street Name

Bill To Longitude

Honorific ID

Street Suffix ID

Bill To LOT

House Number

Subscription ID

Bill To LOT Sequence

House Number Modifier

Town of 25 ID

Bill To Mail Accessible


Tran Date

Bill To Military Foreign

Last Name

Tran Type

Bill To Name Address Line [1-6]


Unit Designator ID

Bill To PO Route Number

Level Designator ID

Unit Number

Bill To PO Route Type

Level Number

Zip Bar Code

Bill To PO Route Walk Sequence

Line Feed

Zip Code

Bill To State ID

Literal Value

Zip Extension

Last updated
