Bundle Top Export

The following data elements can be used with the “BundleTops” usage.

Data Element

Account ID

Account ID

Account Name

Account’s name

Account Phone Number

Account’s phone number

Additional Product Detail

AccountID, AccountName, AccountPhoneNumber, AdditionalProductID, AdZoneID, DepartureID, Description, DistribTypeMessage, DropLocationLine [1-6], DropOrder, EditionID, GeneralMessage, InsertMix, LineFeed, LiteralValue, ProductID, PublicationName, PublishDate, RouteID, RouteName, StandardSize, SupplyingTruckID, TotalDraw

Advance Draw Detail

ComboCode, ComponentRouteID, DrawTotal, KeyBundleSize, NumberOfStandardBundles, PaperSectionID, StandardBundleSize

Advance Sections

Number of advance sections


Ad zone ID


The 15-digit barcode

Bulk [Route]

The route’s bulk value from Distribution Maintenance.

Bundle Method

The bundle method

Carrier Collect Draw

Carrier collect draw

Combined Draw Detail

ComponentRouteID, DrawClassID, DrawClassTotal, DrawTotal, KeyBundleSize, NumberOfStandardBundles


AccountID, AccountName, AccountPhoneNumber, AdZoneID, BundleMethod, ComponentProductID, ComponentPublicationName, DepartureID, DistribTypeMessage, DrawTotal, DropLocationLine [1-6], EditionID, GeneralMessage, InsertMix, KeyBundleSize, LabeledBundles, LineFeed, LiteralValue, MaximumBundleSize, MinimumBundleSize, MultiPackID, NumberOfBundles, NumberOfStandardBundles, ProductID, PublicationName, PublishDate, RouteID, SecondKeyBundleSize, StandardBundleSize, StandardWeight, TruckID, TruckSequenceID, Weight

Component Route Name

The route name, when multiple routes are combined

Departure ID

The truck departure

Distrib Type Message

Route, motor, or single copy message entered in Bundle Info

Draw Comparison

MonthlyAverageLastYear, MonthlyAveragePercentChange, MonthlyAverageQuantityChange, MonthlyAverageThisYear, Weekday, YTDAverageLastYear, YTDAveragePercentChange, YTDAverageQuantityChange, YTDAverageThisYear

Draw Total

Total draw

Drop Location (Lines 1-7)

Drop address (lines 1-6) and drop instructions (line 7)

Drop Order

Drop order

Edition ID

Edition ID

Final Mix

The insert mix name and combo code

General Message

“All” message entered in Bundle Info.

Insert Detail


Insert Mix

Name of the insert mix.

Key Bundle Size

Size of key bundle.

Labeled Bundles

Number of labeled bundles.

Line Feed

A line feed to start a new line.

Literal Value

Literal fields are hard-coded to display whatever is entered in “format”. For example, if a field should always display “Z”, set it up as a literal value and enter “Z” in FORMAT.

Maximum Bundle Size

The maximum size of bundles.

Message Detail

BillingMethod, ComponentProductID, ComponentRouteID, Copies, DeliveryInstructions, DeliveryScheduleID, ExpireDate, MessageDate, MessageText, MessageType, NameAddressLine(1-6), Reason, RestartDate, SubscriberPhoneNumber, SubscriptionID

Message Recap

BillingMethod, ComponentProductID, Copies, DeliveryScheduleID, MessageType

Minimum Bundle Size

The minimum size of bundles.

Number of Bundles

The total number of bundles.

Number of Standard Bundles

The number of standard bundles.

Office Pay Draw

Total office pay draw.

Paid Comp Draw

Total paid comp draw.

Print Key Bundles Only

Print Key Bundles Only field in Enter Bundle Info.

Print Key Bundles Only [Route]

The route’s Print Key Bundle Only value from Distribution Maintenance.

Product ID

ID of the product.

Publication Name

Name of the publication.

Publish Date

The publishing date.


Remarks about the subscription.

Route ID

The ID of the route.

Route List

AdditionalProducts, Copies, DeliveryDirections, DeliveryInstructions, NameAddressLine (1-6)

Route Name

The name of the route.

Sample Draw

Total sample draw.

Second Key Bundle Size

If bundle tops are run with a split key, this is the size of the additional key bundle that will be produced.

Service Draw

Total service draw.

Stacker Detail Lines 1-7

Stacker detail lines from Distribution Maintenance.

Standard Bundle Size

The standard bundle size.

Supplying Truck ID

ID of the supplying truck.

Third Party Draw

Total third party draw.

Truck ID

The ID of the truck.

Truck Sequence ID

Truck sequence.

Unpaid Comp Draw

Total unpaid comp draw.

Week Number

The week’s number.


Total weight.

Wrapper Detail

BundleNumber, BundleSize, CarrierCollectDraw, DrawTotal, KeyBundleSize, NumberOfBundles, NumberOfStandardBundles, OfficePayDraw, PaidCompDraw, SampleDraw, SecondKeyBundleSize, ServiceDraw, StandardBundleSize, ThirdPartyDraw, UnpaidCompDraw, WrapNumber


The year.

Last updated
