

A code which denotes a canvassing-based advertising campaign. Campaigns can be specified with starts and other transactions and can default other information.


The person or dealer who distributes the publication to the end purchaser by foot or by car, as opposed to a dealer, who delivers via racks or newsstands. See also Motor Route. Also, a distribution method in which the circulation figures are included in paid circulation totals for AAM reporting purposes.

Carrier Collect

A subscription for which a carrier collects payment directly from the subscriber. A carrier whose subscribers are all carrier collect is a carrier-collect carrier.

Carrier Rule

Determines rates based on carrier age group (youth or adult) and contract length combinations.

Census Block

Further breakdown of a census tract to define individual addresses. They contain from 18 - 22 households.

Census Tract

Government-defined geographic boundaries used in processing the census. Each tract contains 1,000 - 2,000 households and is assigned a 6-digit number.

Check Digit

A single digit that is used for accuracy verification in information transfer. It follows a given number of integers, and its value is based on these integers in the following manner: multiply the odd positions * 2 and the even positions * 1. Separate out each individual digit (e.g., 12 would be 1 and 2), and then add all digits. The right-most digit of the total is the check digit. For example, in a string of 5468, the even/odd totals would be 10, 4, 12, and 8. The total of the digits would be 1 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 2 + 8 = 16, so the check digit would be 6.


The percentage of a subscriber base that must be replaced on an annual basis to maintain the same level of home delivery circulation. See also Controllable Churn, Natural Churn.


An abbreviation that is associated with a record or longer description. The code is usually entered to save keystrokes and ensure the consistent entry of and reference to the related item. A code is sometimes referred to as an ID. Examples include reason code, source code, etc.


A group of one or more publications that can be subscribed to as a package, with a single rate.


An organizational entity for financial and reporting purposes. Although usually one level lower than BUSINESS in the organizational structure, company can be the same as business.


A transaction entered to register a customer complaint, typically a late or missed paper.


A group of buildings, sometimes part of an address, such as “233 Arrow Apartments”.

Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS)

Data provided by the US Postal Service (usually on a tape) that allows you to assign a postal delivery sequence to your addresses (and thus get better postal rates). To qualify, you must have between 90 and 110% of the postal addresses in a 5-digit Zip code (you can have over 100% by having duplicates, or addresses the Postal Service does not recognize).

Control Total

The total amount of a batch of monies/checks/payments that an operator will enter. When the batch is applied, the total amount must equal the control total; otherwise an “out of balance” condition exists.

Controllable Churn

Churn that reflects “controllable” reasons that subscribers permanently stop the paper (such as poor service or price), representing the areas in which newspapers can make improvements. See also Churn, Natural Churn.

Core Subscriber

Has been actively receiving the newspaper for at least one year with no permanent stops of more than 30 days.

Credit Memo

A credit amount applied to a carrier’s account at the end of account bill processing, if the carrier’s credits are greater than his or her debits (typical with office pay carriers).

Credit Status

A code assigned to subscribers that determines such things as their number of grace days and whether they can have a “start and bill” subscription.


A position indicator on a computer screen that indicates where the next character will be inserted or deleted.

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