
The Options menu is the takeoff point for software that works independently from the rest of Circulation. Some of the options that may appear on this menu are listed below. Except for Conversion, these are all licensed options and will not appear on the menu unless you have purchased them.

  • Conversion is used when converting information from an old circulation system to Circulation. See the Circulation Conversion File Layouts document for more information on these options.

  • List MatchPlus is a separate software product that can be used to import addresses, occupants, and associated demographic information into the Circulation database. See the List MatchPlus User Manual for more information.

  • Insight is Newscycle’s standard analytics product. InSight allows users to create dynamic, graphical reports using subscription and draw data from Circulation. See the Circulation InSight User Guide and the Circulation InSight File Layouts for more information.

  • Bellatrix Interface imports and exports draw, draw adjustment and return information with Bellatrix software. Bellatrix is used for newspaper rack management. This option is documented below.

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