Account Lockbox

The following data elements can be used with the “AccountLockbox” usage.

Data Element

Account Holder Name

The name on bank or credit card account.

Account ID

The ID of the account.

Authorization Number

Authorization number for authorized credit card transactions.

Balance Due

The balance due.

Batch Payment Total

Total of all payments in the batch.

Batch Record Count

Number of records in the batch.

Bill Source ID

The bill source (group of accounts being billed together, such as Carrier, Dealer, NIE).

Cash Batch Date

Date of the batch.

Check Number

Number on the check.


Comments for the batch.

Company Number

Company number.

Credit Card Expires

Expire date of credit card.

Credit Card Number

Credit card number, if account paid with credit card.

Credit Card Type

The credit card type (Visa, MasterCard, etc.)

Credit Card Vault ID

Vault ID used only for off-site credit card storage

File Payment Total

Payment total in the file.

File Record Count

The total number of records in the file.


Filler denotes blank fields or information that will not be used in Circulation; these fields will be ignored.

Invoice Date

Date of the invoice.

Invoice Number

Number of the invoice.

Lockbox ID

ID of the lockbox.

Masked Credit Card Number

Credit card number with all but the last four digits masked (replaced with “*”). Used only for off-site credit card storage.

Payment Amount*

Amount of the payment.

Payment Date

Date of the payment.

Payment Type

The type of payment (credit card, check, etc.)

Record Identifier**

Field that identifies the record type, for example “D” to indicate a detail record. This must be the first field in the record.

Route ID

The ID of the route.

Scan Line Check Digit

Check digit of the lockbox scan line.

Signature File Name

File name of the signature image from Syncronex.

Use Credit Card On File

Y/N flag to use the credit card number in the account record.

* Field is required.

** Field is required if a record identifier is entered on the record type setup screen.

Last updated
