Campaign Import

File maps used for the Import Campaign option have a usage “CampaignImp,” and the following data elements can be used. Required fields are indicated with an asterisk (*).


Event Number

Reason Code*

Allowable Usage*

Followup Response

Reject Response

All Zip Codes*

Forecasted Responses

Renewal Delivery Method

Auto Assign

Image URL

Source Code*

Billing Method*

Is Searchable

Start Date*

Campaign Code*


Start Email Parameters

Campaign Script

Lock Method

Start Type

Combo ID

Number Solicited

Sub Source ID

Confirmation Page Script

Parent Campaign Code*


Cost Per Order

Parent Forecasted Responses

TM Product ID

Delivery Method*

Parent Number Solicited

Tran Type ID*

Delivery Schedule ID

Priority Order

Zip Code


Product ID*

Zip Code List

End Date

Rate Code ID*

* Field is required.

The following fields are conditionally required and will produce errors if they are not present when expected:

  • TM Product ID, Reject Response, and Followup Response are required when the Allowable Usage is “Canvass.”

  • Parent Forecasted Responses and Parent Number Solicited are required when generating a new parent campaign (i.e., if it does not yet exist).

  • Start Type is required when the Tran Type ID is “Start.”

  • Delivery Schedule ID is required if the Tran Type is “Start,” “DelivSched,” or “DelivSched w/BillingChg.”

  • Term and Length are required if the allowable usage is “Renewals.”

Last updated
