Setup Audit Reports

Reports on the Audit-Setup menu provide audit trails for changes made to account rates, subscriber rates, and security or user groups over a certain time period.

Each of the following reports lists the additions, changes, and deletions that were made during a date range:

  • Account Rate Code—Shows the account rate codes that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Account Rule Link—Shows the account rule rate links that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Business Rule—Shows the Business Rule settings that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Subscriber Rate Code—Shows the subscriber rate codes that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Subscriber Rate Terms—Shows the subscriber rate terms that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Subscriber Rule Rate Link—Shows the subscriber rule rate links that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Security Item—Shows the security items that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • Security Group—Shows the security groups that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

  • User Group—Shows the user groups that have been added, changed, and deleted. See example.

To create one of these reports:

  1. Select a report from the Reports | Audit-Setup menu.

  2. Click Add and enter a report type (added, changed, deleted, or “*” to multi-select).

  3. Enter a date range for the report.

  4. Click OK and then Continue to create the report. Added, changed, and deleted records are displayed in separate sections.

Example—Account Rate Code Report

Example—Business Rule report

Example—Subscriber Rate Code Report

Example—Subscriber Rate Terms Report

Example—Security Item report

Example—Security Group Audit report

Example—User Group Audit report

Last updated
