Distribution Maintenance
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Last updated
The Distribution Maintenance module allows you to manage routes and trucks within a truck sequence using drag-and-drop functionality.
Using Distribution Maintenance, you can assign drop sequences and drop locations to truck sequences that have already been set up.
The truck sequence determines the truck, drop order and drop location for a specific route.
The drop order is the order in which bundle tops are printed and bundles are loaded on the truck (and, hence, dropped off at routes). More than one route can have the same drop order, if multiple routes are dropped at the same location.
The drop location is where the bundles are dropped.
Some features in Distribution Maintenance are controlled by Transaction Security:
The DistribMaintUpd security item controls who has the ability to make changes in Distribution Maintenance. Users who do not have security will be able to view everything but will be unable to make changes.
The DistribMaintBkp security item controls the Backup feature. This button will be inactive for users who don’t have security. See Backup for more information about the Backup option.
The DistribMaintDte security item controls the ability to click on a node and select Show Dates.
See the Circulation Setup Manual for more information about Transaction Security.
Click the Distribution Maintenance button () on the Route Service button bar to launch Distribution Maintenance. The parts of the interface are shown below.
To display a truck tree (i.e., a truck departure/sequence combination):
Enter filter criteria in the following fields and click OK.
Specify the truck departure you want to view. The truck departure is the order in which trucks depart from the loading dock. Truck departures are set up in Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck Departure Sequence.
Specify the truck sequence you want to view. The truck sequence is the order, and from which truck, bundles will be dropped. Truck sequences are set up in Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck Sequence.
Enter the effective date for which you want to view the truck departure and truck sequence. The effective date defaults to the maximum cut-off date of all the products in the truck sequence.
Note: Entering a date after the defaulted date turns off some functionality. Entering a date before the minimum cut-off date turns off most functionality.
If you want to allow the departure order to be modified while working with the truck tree (i.e., rearranging departure trucks), select Reorder Dep Order. If you select Retain Dep Order, you will not be permitted to change the order of departure trucks in the truck tree. You can change them using the Departure Order option, however.
If you want the truck tree to show the drop location as the description of the drop, select Drop Description Visible. If you want the truck tree to show the route ID as the description of the drop, select Route Description Visible.
If you want to build the entire distribution tree, select Full Distribution Build. Using this build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree merely displays details that have already been loaded. If you want to build only the departure trucks and their potential drops, select Departure Distribution Build. Using this build method, the act of expanding an object in the tree causes the next level of detail to be loaded.
The truck tree shows departure trucks, relay trucks, drops and routes. These objects are represented by icons, which are described below.
The root of the tree structure (the printing plant). It displays the truck departure name. Note:
Highlight this icon before you perform a text search of the entire tree.
A truck that has no objects (drops, routes, or other trucks) within it. An empty truck.
A truck that has objects (drops, routes, or other trucks) within it.
A relay truck.
A drop for multiple routes, multiple trucks, or a truck and a route. Note:
When a drop is for a single route or truck, no separate icon represents the drop—only the route or truck icon will be visible.
A home delivery route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A rack route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A single copy route. The route name will be bold and italicized if the route has an end date.
A split route (added to more than one truck in the same truck sequence).
A throw-off subscription.
A broken object (e.g., route or truck).
An unknown route.
You can view a legend of these icons by right-clicking an object in the truck tree and selecting Legend.
To view detailed information, click an object in the truck tree. The details will appear in the right pane, as shown below.
You can also hover over an object with the mouse pointer to display selected details.
Several options for working with Distribution Maintenance are accessed by clicking buttons on the button bar, shown and described below.
Find Trucks (Alt-Q)
Display a new truck tree by selecting a different truck departure, truck sequence, and/or effective date.
Route Service (Alt-R)
Return to the Route Service interface.
Account Inquiry (Alt-I)
Search for a carrier/dealer.
Truck Sequence Export (Alt-E)
Export truck sequences.
Truck Sequence Import (Alt-P)
Import truck sequences.
Split Route Setup (Alt-L)
View a list of split routes that have been created, and modify order priorities and split draw quantities.
Double (Alt-B)
Display a duplicate view of the current truck tree. This can be helpful when you are moving objects within a large tree. For example, if you want to move a route that is near the bottom of the tree to a position near the top, you could scroll down and click on the route in the truck tree, then drag it to its new position in the duplicate view of the tree. You can drag objects to, from, and within the duplicate view.
Departure Order (Alt-O)
View and modify the departure order. You can modify the order by dragging one truck at a time to its new position. Or, you can use Ctrl-click or Shift-click to select multiple trucks to drag to a new position.
Alternate Tree (Alt-2)
Show a different truck tree, side by side with the current tree. This option allows you to copy objects and groups of objects from one tree to another. The departure or sequence of the alternate tree must be different than the current tree.
Backup (Alt-K)
Create a copy of a truck departure or sequence under a different name
Add a Truck Record (Alt-M)
Add a truck record.
The Truck Tree has its own button bar, shown and described below.
Search Trucks (Alt-F)
Search the entire truck tree, or a portion of it, for a specific text string (e.g., to locate a truck or route by ID). After finding a match, you can locate the next match by pressing F3. Note:
The scope of your search depends on what is highlighted in the truck tree when you click this button. If a truck is highlighted, only the objects within that truck are searched. If you want to search the entire truck tree, highlight the root icon before clicking this button.
Add Route
Add a route or split route to the truck tree. When you click this button, a context menu appears that allows you to indicate where you want the route placed on the tree:
• To add the route to a truck, first highlight the truck, then click this button and select Add Route In [Departure or Relay Truck]. Note that similar options are available for adding split routes.
• To add the route to another route, first highlight the route, then click this button and select Add Route In.
• To add the route below another route, first highlight the route, then click this button and select Add Route Below.
• To add the route to a drop, you can either (1) highlight the drop, then click this button and select Add Route In, or (2) highlight another route within the drop, then click this button and select Add Route at Same Drop.
Note: You cannot add a route if the root icon is highlighted.
Add Truck
Add a truck to the truck tree. When you click this button, a context menu appears that allows you to indicate the type of truck (departure or relay) and where you want it placed on the tree:
• If you want to add a departure truck, highlight the root icon before you click this button.
• If you want to add a relay truck, highlight another truck before you click this button. When adding a relay truck, the truck record needs to be added first. Then it can be placed in the departure as a relay truck.
Delete Selected
Delete the highlighted object or objects in the truck tree. Multiple objects of the same type can be deleted at the same time.
You cannot delete objects that contain other objects. If you want to delete a truck, for example, you must delete all objects within it (starting at the lowest level) before you will be able to delete the truck.
Toggle Future (Alt-G)
Toggles between the original tree, which displays records active on the effective date, to a similar tree that shows data active on or after the Effective Date. Note:
Records that have a future aspect (i.e., the Start Date or End Date is after the Effective Date) are shown in red italicized text.
You can right-click on an item in the truck tree and select Show Dates.
The particular dates that are shown depend on the type of item that was right-clicked.
Departure trucks will show a departure truck modify line.
Relay trucks will show a relay truck line, a parent departure truck line, a relay departure truck line, and an associated drop line.
Drops will show a drop line and parent departure truck line.
Regular routes will show a route line, a parent departure truck line, and an associated drop line.
Split routes will show a route line, a parent departure truck line, an associated drop line, and an associated split route line.
The Transaction Security item “DistribMaintDte” controls access to this feature.
Rearranging sequences is fairly straightforward using drag and drop—click on an object to select it, drag it to a new location, and then release the mouse. You can move routes, trucks and drops in this way.
If the object could potentially be inserted below another object or within it (such as a route being inserted within a drop), a pop-up menu will be displayed. You have three options:
Select Drop In to insert the object within the other object.
Select Drop Below to insert the object on the same level as the other object, but below it on the truck tree.
Select Cancel to cancel the action.
If there is only one logical insertion point, the object will be placed there automatically (i.e., the pop-up menu will not appear). If you attempt to drop an object in an invalid place (e.g., drop a route on the root icon), the action will simply cancel itself. No error message will appear.
You can select multiple objects to drag and drop at the same time: multiple routes (independent of route type), multiple drops, or multiple trucks. However, you cannot drag and drop a truck and a route at the same time.
You can open another instance of the current truck tree to aid in rearranging sequences. This can be helpful when you are moving objects within a large sequence.
For example, if you want to move a route that is near the bottom of the tree to a position near the top, you could scroll down and click on the route in the original tree, then drag it to its new position in the duplicate view.
You can drag objects to, from, and within the duplicate view.
You can modify the departure order in the following ways:
Click and drag one truck at a time to a new position.
Use Shift-click
to select multiple, adjacent trucks, and then drag them all to a new position.
Use Ctrl-click
to select multiple, non-adjacent trucks, and then drag then all to a new position. When you use Ctrl-click
, the system remembers the order in which you clicked on the trucks. When you drag them to a new position, they will be sequenced in the order you selected them.
Click OK to close the window.
The Alternate Tree option allows you to open a different truck tree (as opposed to a duplicate view of the same tree) and copy objects to it. This can be helpful when you are building a new truck tree that will use some of the same trucks, routes and drops as an existing tree.
Note: You can only copy from the truck tree to the alternate tree.
Enter the Truck Departure and Truck Sequence of the alternate tree. Either the departure or sequence of the alternate tree must be different than the current tree.
Click OK. The alternate tree appears in the right pane of the window.
Copy objects from the truck tree to the alternate tree as necessary.
When you have finished, click Cancel.
In the truck tree, click on the object where you want the route to be added.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the route.
This display-only field shows the ID of the truck to which you are adding the route.
Enter the product (usually a publication) that will be delivered on this route.
Enter the route being dropped (home delivery or single copy). If dropping to a throw-off subscriber, leave this field blank.
If the drop is to a throw-off subscriber, enter the account number. Otherwise, enter zero.
Specify the date range during which the drop is valid.
• If you are adding a route to an existing drop, these fields will be populated from the drop information and cannot be modified.
• If you are adding a route and creating a drop at the same time, the DROP START DATE will default from the Effective Date, and you can modify it.
The Drop End Date may be left blank.
Specify the date range during which this route is valid. The end date may be left blank.
Select this checkbox if the papers are delivered in bulk to the distribution point.
Papers for all bulked routes on the truck will be bundled together, and the driver will count the papers for the route from the stack.
In this case, a bundle top is not prepared for the route unless Key Only is selected.
Select this checkbox if you want to print bundle tops for key bundles only. If you do not check this box, bundle tops will be printed for all bundles.
If you do not check this box, and the route has messages, a special bundle top will be printed that contains only messages.
Otherwise, no corresponding bundle will be printed for the route (the truck will receive a truck-level bulk bundle).
Select this checkbox if you wish to enter free-form details about the stacker.
When you select this checkbox, the Stacker Details button becomes active. Click this button to display the Stacker Details window and enter information.
Indicate whether the drop will be made at the Account (carrier’s address), a location specified with the DistribPoint, or a Specific location.
If you enter “specific”, the Drop Location field will remain active so you can specify the drop location.
If you selected “Account” above, this will be the carrier’s address. If you selected “Specific”, this field will allow you to enter a specific drop location.
If you selected “DistribPoint”, this will be the default drop location in the Distrib Point Publication record.
Enter specific instructions about the drop.
open (4)
Enter a reference to a map on which this route can be found, if applicable.
open (4)
If you use map references, enter the number on the map where this route can be found, if applicable.
If this route is a split route:
• Each truck in the split must be assigned an order priority, with the lowest order number receiving first priority.
• The highest-priority truck must have a split draw quantity entered. This is the maximum draw that will be assigned to the truck. Once this quantity is achieved, the remaining draw will then “spill over” to the next truck in the priority.
• The lowest-priority truck must have a split draw quantity of zero. Once all other trucks have received their maximum draw, the last truck in the priority will receive the rest of the draw.
Use this option to set up the individual trucks that distribute your publication. The truck IDs that are assigned here can then be added to the truck tree as departure or relay trucks.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
open (8)
Enter a truck ID.
open (20)
Enter a name describing this truck.
Enter a date range for this truck. The end date may be left blank.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (12)
Enter the driver’s first name.
Note: An occupant record will be created for this driver.
open (30)
Enter the driver’s last name.
The default occupant type and credit status are displayed. Business Rules determine these defaults when adding an occupant record.
Click OK to save the truck record.
Add more trucks, or click Exit.
Use this option to export truck sequence details, for a selected draw sequence, to an external file. The export will use a File Map you create in advance. The file will be written to /dti/exchange/cm/
If you plan to export truck sequence details, modify them, and then re-import them back into Circulation, it is recommended that you include all possible file-mapping data elements when performing the export and the import. Missing one or more data elements may result in missing data. See file mapping data elements.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the truck departure sequence.
Enter the truck sequence.
If you want this export to apply to all products. select this checkbox. Otherwise, select a product or products to include.
Enter the date for which draw figures should be exported.
Indicate if actual, advance, pending draw should be exported.
Indicate which TM products you want to include in the export, if applicable. Valid TM products are based on the product(s) entered above.
Select the name of the file map you created for this purpose.
Enter the name of the file to be exported, if different from the default.
Click OK and then Continue to export the information.
Use this option to import truck sequences from an external file in /dti/exchange/cm/, using a File Map you created previously. The following Circulation tables will be updated during the import process:
* only if one does not already exist
** existing record will be end-dated and a new record created
*** only if provided in the import file
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the truck departure sequence. It can be an existing departure sequence or a new one.
Enter the truck sequence. It can be an existing truck sequence or a new one.
Enter the date on which these records will become effective.
Select the name of the file map you created for this purpose.
Enter the name of the file to be imported.
Click OK and then Continue to import the information.
Use this option to view all of the split routes that have been created. In this window, you can enter and modify order priorities and split draw quantities. A red icon will be displayed in the Status column for all split routes that are in an error state.
You can add departure trucks and relay trucks to the tree. The placement of the new truck depends on the object you highlight before clicking the Add Truck button and which option you choose from the context menu that appears.
To add a departure truck to the truck tree:
If you highlighted the root icon, select Add Departure Truck at Root from the context menu. If you highlighted another truck, select Add Departure Truck Below Departure Truck from the context menu.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the new truck.
Enter a truck ID or select one from the list. Trucks are set up in character Circulation: Setup | Distribution | Truck | Truck.
The date on which this truck was first added to the sequence.
An optional end date for this truck.
Indicate whether a new spool file should be created once this truck’s bundle tops have printed. Select this checkbox, for example, if you print bundle tops at more than one printer at the same time.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (2)
The chute ID can be exported to file-mapped stacker interface files. A site may use chutes as loading “lines” on the docks for their trucks.
Multiple chutes could be used to load trucks on one dock, for example, or a single chute could be used to load trucks on multiple docks.
Chutes could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., or A, B, C, etc. Chute (also known as dock) assignments can also be imported.
Indicate whether the key or split key bundle size calculation should be used for this truck.
The “key” option will produce one key bundle, while the “split key” option will produce two key bundles (a key bundle is the odd-sized bundle in a group of standard bundles).
Indicate whether standard or key bundles should be printed first.
Indicate whether with route or end of truck where keys should be printed
To add a relay truck inside another truck:
In the truck tree, highlight an existing truck to which you want the new relay truck to be added.
Select Add Relay Truck In Departure Truck from the context menu.
Complete the following fields and click OK to add the new truck.
This display-only field shows the ID of the truck to which you are adding the relay truck.
Specify the product delivered by this truck.
Enter a truck ID or select one from the list. Trucks must be set up in advance .
Specify the date range during which the drop is valid. • If you are adding a relay truck to an existing drop, these fields will be populated from the drop information and cannot be modified. • If you are adding a relay truck and creating a drop at the same time, the Drop Start Date will default from the Effective Date, and you can modify it. The Drop End Date may be left blank.
Enter the date range during which this truck can be used. You can leave the End Date blank.
Indicate whether a new spool file should be created once this truck’s bundle tops have printed. Select this checkbox, for example, if you print bundle tops at more than one printer at the same time.
decimal (10)
The maximum weight of this truck.
open (1)
The chute ID can be exported to file-mapped stacker interface files. A site may use chutes as loading “lines” on the docks for their trucks.
Multiple chutes could be used to load trucks on one dock, for example, or a single chute could be used to load trucks on multiple docks. Chutes could be numbered 1, 2, 3, etc., or A, B, C, etc.
Indicate whether the key or split key bundle size calculation should be used for this truck.
The “key” option will produce one key bundle, while the “split key” option will produce two key bundles (a key bundle is the odd-sized bundle in a group of standard bundles).
Indicate whether standard or key bundles should be printed first.
Indicate whether with route or end of truck where Keys should be printed
Select this checkbox if the papers are delivered in bulk to the distribution point. Papers for all bulked routes on the truck will be bundled together, and the driver will count the papers for the route from the stack.
In this case, a bundle top is not prepared for the route unless Key Only? is selected.
Select this checkbox if you want to print bundle tops for key bundles only. If you do not check this box, bundle tops will be printed for all bundles. If you do not check this box, and the route has messages, a special bundle top will be printed that contains only messages.
Otherwise, no corresponding bundle will be printed for the route (the truck will receive a truck-level bulk bundle).
Indicate whether the drop will be made at the Account (carrier’s address), a location specified with the DistribPoint, or a Specific location.
If you enter “specific”, the Drop Location field will remain active so you can specify the drop location.
If you selected “Carrier” above, this will be the carrier’s address. If you selected “Specific”, this field would allow you to enter a specific drop location.
Enter specific instructions about the drop.
open (4)
Enter a reference to a map on which this route can be found, if applicable.
open (4)
If you use map references, enter the number on the map where this route can be found, if applicable.
Use the Backup option to create a copy of a truck departure or sequence under a different name. Saving a backup of your work is a good idea; it allows you to go back to the original version of the departure or sequence if you make a mistake. This option also allows you to remove a truck departure or sequence (for example, once you’ve finished building a truck departure, you may want to remove the old backup and create a new one).
Click the Copy button.
Select either the Copy Departure? or Copy Sequence? check box, as appropriate.
Enter a name for the backup in the To Departure or To Sequence field, as appropriate.
Click OK to create the backup.
Click the Remove button.
Select either the Remove Departure? or Remove Sequence? check box, as appropriate.
Click OK to remove the departure or sequence.
Click the Find Trucks button () on the button bar.
To open a duplicate view, click the Double button () on the button bar. A duplicate view of the truck tree appears in the right pane of the window. To hide the duplicate view, click the Double button again.
To view or modify the departure order, click the Departure Order button () on the button bar. The departure order is displayed in the right pane of the window.
Click the Alternate Tree button () on the button bar.
Click the Add Route button () and select the appropriate option from the menu. You can also right-click on the new route’s drop (or the drop just before it) and select Add Route in Drop or Add Route below Drop from the Add Route menu.
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Truck Sequence Export button ().
Click the Truck Sequence Import button ().
Highlight the root icon in the truck tree () or another truck.
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Add Truck button ().
Click the Backup button ().
Click the Backup button ().