Draw Adjustments and Returns Import

The following data elements can be used with the “DrawAdjImport” usage.

Data Element

AAM Draw Date

The draw adjustment date for AAM reporting purposes. This will be the same as the Draw Date unless AAM has already been closed for the draw date.

Amount Collected

The amount collected from the route.

Control Total

Populates the Control Papers field in Returns for a Day and Returns for a Week.

Draw Adjustment

The draw adjustment quantity.

Draw Date

The publishing date for the returns.

Import Edition ID

The edition of the product that is being returned. Note: If ImportEditionID is included in the import file for draw adjustment transactions, it will be ignored upon import.

Product ID

The product that is being returned.

Record Identifier

Field that identifies the record type, for example “D” to indicate a detail record. This must be the first field in the record.

Route ID*

The ID of the route. This field is required.

* Field is required

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