Office Pay Audit Report

The following data elements can be used with the “OfficePayAudit” usage.

Address ID

Delivery Placement ID


Receive Bonus Days

Allow Web Access

Delivery Schedule ID

Mail Accessible

Renewal Delivery Override

Area Code

Directions To Address

Middle Initial

Renewal Override Code

Area Code + Phone

Dwelling Status Date

Military Foreign

Report Period End Date

Attention Line

Dwelling Status ID

Name Address Line [1-6]

Report Period Start Date

Auto Pay

Dwelling Type ID

Number of Renewals Sent

Route Accessible

Bill Address ID

Email Address

Occupant ID

Route ID

Billing Method

Expire Date

Occupant Salutation ID

Route Name

Bill Occupant ID


Occupant Title

Send Invoice

Bill Source ID

Firm Name

Occupant Type ID

Send Renewal


First Name

Original Start Date

Short Name

Carrier ID

Gets Paper

Other Name

State ID

Carrier Name

Home Page

Other Name Usage

Street Name

Census Block ID

Honorific ID


Street Suffix ID

Census Tract ID

House Number Modifier

Phone Unlisted


City ID

Last Name

PO Route Number

Subscription ID

Company ID

Last Payment Amount

PO Route Type

Subscription Status

Complaint Days Adjust

Last Payment Date

PO Route Walk Sequence

Town of 25 ID


Last Payment Length

Post Directional

Transaction Detail

Country ID

Last Payment Method

Pre Directional

Unit Designator ID

County ID

Last Payment Term

Product ID

Unit Number

Credit Detail


Publication Name

Zip Bar Code

Date Last Renewal Sent

Line Feed

Purchase Number

Zip Code

Delivery Instructions

Literal Value

Rate Code ID

Zip Extension

Last updated
