Token Account Updater

Note: The Token Account Updater is for use only with Payway Complete Hosted Order Page (HOP) at this time.

The Token Updater utility is used to update credit card information using the token and an external import file from the Payment Vendor. The default File Map to match the Edgil export is named EdgilUpdate and has a usage of TokenUpdater.

This utility uses the Updated Accounts export from Edgil Payway. In the export file, there will be Update Type Codes that define what information in the Auto Renew is being updated. The following list describes the update codes.

  • 1 = New Expire Date

  • 2 = New Card Number and Expire Date

  • 3 = Account Closed (Discontinue Auto Renew)

The Token Updater will create unprocessed Billing Change transactions with an Update Expire = “No” reason code to update credit card information.

To use this import, follow these steps.

  • Select Import | Token Updater in the graphical Utilities module.

  • Select Edit to view the records to be imported or Commit to import the records.

  • In the File Name field, enter the name of the file to import. This file must exist in the default exchange secure folder.

  • In the File Format field, enter the name of the file map created for this option. The “TokenUpdater” Usage is used for this import. The table below describes the possible data elements.

  • Select desired Tran Date, Source and Reason.

  • Click OK to run the utility.


The file map can be modified to use a “,” delimiter and the file be imported as-is from Payway Complete. If the file is not modified and the first two lines removed after exporting from Payway Complete, the import process can produce an Error message when reading in the first line “Expected 30 elements; Received 1.” The first line in the file is a time date stamp so this error can be ignored.

The following Data Elements are required or recommended.

  • UpdateCode – Required

  • FirstName – Recommended

  • LastName – Recommended

  • Token – Required

  • MaskedCard – Recommended

  • ExpireDate – Required

  • LastFour – Required

Last updated
