Account Statement Export
The following data elements can be used with the “AccountStatement” usage.
Account Group Address Line (1-6)
Address associated with the account group.
Account Group ID
The account group to which the account belongs.
Account ID
The ID of the account.
Age Balance
The balance due for an aging period.
Age Current
The current balance due.
Age Periods 1-4
Up to four aging periods can be included.
Age Unapplied
The unapplied amount for an aging period.
Area Code
Area code portion of the account’s phone number.
Area ID
The ID of the bill area.
Balance Type
Indicates if the account has a credit, debit, or zero balance.
Bill Source ID
The bill source (group of accounts being billed together, such as Carrier, Dealer, NIE).
The building identifier, such as “Building 212”.
Charges Detail (Parent Element)
Details about a charge (parent element). Also from the following child elements: Account ID, Amount, Bill Batch ID, Carrier ID, Charge Batch ID, Charge Code ID, Charge Date, Charge Type ID, Delivery Route ID, Delivery Schedule ID, Description, Entity ID, Entity Type, GL Account ID, Line Feed, Literal Value, Product ID, Quantity, Rate Code ID, Remarks, Retail Amount, Reversal, Route ID, Route Name, Transportation GL Account ID, and Unit Rate.
City ID
The city.
ID of the collector assigned to the account.
Company ID
The ID of the company.
The name of the complex, such as “Oak Park Apartments”.
Country ID
The country.
County ID
The county.
Credit Card On File
Indicates whether the account has a credit card number on file.
Distrib Zone ID
ID of the distribution zone.
District ID
ID of the district.
Drop Order
Drop order.
The local extension of the phone number.
First Name
The first name on the account.
Historical Aging Detail
Aging detail (parent element). Also choose from the following child elements: Account ID, Age Balance, Age Current, Age Period 1-12, Age Unapplied, Bill Date, Bill Source ID, Company ID, Last Bill Amount, Last Bill Date, Line Feed, and Literal Value.
Honorific ID
Occupant’s honorific (name suffix)
House Number
The house number for this address, such as “103” for the address “103 Main Street”.
House Number Modifier
Modifier of the house number, like “½” in the address “103 ½ Main St”.
Invoice Detail
Invoice detail (parent element). Also choose from the following child elements: Account ID, Balance Due, Bill Batch ID, Bill Source ID, Company ID, Discount Amount, Discount Date, Due Date, Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Line Feed, Literal Value, and Original Amount.
Last Name
The account’s last name.
Line Feed
A line feed to start a new line.
Literal Value
A literal value.
Description of the location.
Middle Initial
Occupant’s middle initial.
Name Address Lines 1-6
Up to six lines of name and address information in an unparsed format.
Occupant Salutation ID
Occupant’s title, such as “Mr.”
Other Name
Account’s other name
Other Name Usage
Account’s other name usage
Payment Detail
Details about a payment (parent element). Also select from the following child elements: Account ID, Adjustment Amount, Adjustment ID, Bank ID, Bill Batch ID, Bill Source ID, Cash Amount, Cash Batch ID, Check Number, Company ID, Discount Amount, Invoice Number, Line Feed, Literal Value, Lockbox ID, Payment Amount, Payment Date, Payment Method, Tran Type, and Unapplied Amount.
The account’s phone number.
Post Directional
Street name post-modifier, such as the “N” in “Main St N”.
Pre Directional
Street name pre-modifier, such as the “N” in “N Main St”.
Product ID
ID of the product.
Region ID
ID of the region.
Remit To Address Lines 1-7
The remit-to address.
Route ID
ID of the route.
Route Name
Name of the route.
Run Date
Date of the export.
State ID
The state.
Street Name
Street name for this address, such as “Main” for the “103 Main Street” address. This will be the PO box if the address has one.
Street Suffix ID
The suffix street direction, such as “N” in “1234 Main St N”.
Truck ID
ID of the truck.
Truck Name
Name of the truck.
Truck Sequence ID
ID of the truck sequence.
Unit Designator ID
Enter the type of unit, such as Apt, Lot, Room, Suite.
Unit Number
The number of the unit, such as the “20” in “Apt 20”.
ZIP Bar Code, ZIP Code, ZIP Extension
Zip code, Zip code + 4, and Zip bar code.
Last updated