About Account Rates

Accounts (carriers and dealers) are rated based on their draw. Rates may be copy rates (a rate per paper) or period rates (a rate per subscription or single copy equivalent). If using a copy rate, the draw charge for a month would be the total draw for that month times the copy rate. If using period rating, Circulation would use the formula:

(total draw * period rate) / number of days in period

Period rates may (based on Business Rules) vary by day of the week. In vary-by-day rating, each day of the week has its own period rate. For example, you could have a monthly rate of 4.00 per subscription for all Sundays in the month, 1.50 per subscription for all Mondays, 1.50 for all Tuesdays, etc. The above formula would still be used, but for each weekday separately.

Account rates can change based on draw type, delivery schedule, day of week, or (if allowed by Business Rules) the rate code of the subscriber being delivered. So, a single account may receive different rates for different types of draw. See Account Rates in the Setup Manual for more information.

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