Insert Base and Draw Exports
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Many larger newspapers employ sophisticated inserting systems that have their own software applications. In order to insert the correct preprints in the papers for each route, these applications need the route draws. They also need to be updated when routes change trucks, or when ad zone boundaries change. The Insert Draw and Insert Base options export this data to an ASCII file, where it can be imported into an inserting system.
The draw export contains route draw figures, while the base export contains truck, ad zone, edition, preprint demographic, and other information for the route. The draw export will most likely be run daily. The base export may be run on a periodic basis, but if it is, you should wait to add new routes or make changes to existing routes until just before running the export.
Using this process, Circulation and the inserting application will always have the same information and you will not, for example, be importing draw into the inserting system for a route that doesn’t exist there yet.
The base export can be run for up to seven days, beginning with a user-defined start date. It can be run for both publications and TM products. In the case of a TM product, all routes belonging to its delivery publication will be exported. For each day, only one Zip code and AAM zone will be exported. If a route belongs to more than one, the Zip or AAM zone with the highest percentage will be used. The distribution ad zone (the ad zone belonging to the ad zone map that is assigned to the product on that day) will be exported, along with up to seven selling ad zones. A selling ad zone will be included only if it is assigned to an ad zone map on that day of the week. See the InsertPlus manual for more information about ad zones.
Note: If you do not have InsertPlus, the ad zone fields will be blank in the export.
The base records will be sorted in the export file by date, truck departure order, and the route’s drop order within each truck.
Select Insert Base from the Utilities | Export menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication or TM product for which base information should be exported.
Enter the date range for the base export. Route information will be exported for the days in the date range. If a publication does not publish on a given day of the week, no records will be exported for that date. Note that the export can be run for a maximum of seven days.
setup x 7
For each day of the date range, enter the truck departure sequence that should be used for sorting purposes.
setup x 7
For each day of the date range, enter the truck sequence that should be used. This determines the truck to which a route is assigned and its drop order within the truck.
Click OK and then Continue to begin the export. The base data will be exported to /dti/exchange/cm
, and the file will be named <ProductID><Month><Day><Year> BASE
. For example, if route information for the Times is exported starting on 10/02/09, the file will be named times100209BASE
. See Appendix B for the format of this file. Once the export has completed, the Insert Base Export report will list the number of records exported, and other information about the process.
The draw export is run for a user-defined date, and can export actual or advance draw information. Only routes that are active and have draw for the publication entered will be included in the export.
Select Insert Draw from the Utilities | Export menu.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Select the publication for which draw should be exported.
Indicate whether to export actual or advance draw figures.
If you are exporting advance draw and you keep advance draw by section (a Business Rules consideration), enter the section whose draw figures should be exported. Otherwise, this field will be skipped.
Enter the date for which draw figures should be exported. If there are no draw records for this date and the type entered above, you will be prompted to enter a different date. Actual draw, for example, cannot be exported for more than seven publishing days in the future because it is kept for only seven days beyond the current publishing date.
Select OK and then Continue to begin the export. The draw will be exported to /dti/exchange/cm
, and the file will be named <ProductID><Month><Day><Year> <Draw Type>
. For example, if actual draw for the Times is exported on 10/02/06, the file will be named Times100206ACT
. If advance is exported rather than actual, the file would be Times100206ADV
. And, if a section is entered, the first three letters appended to the file name (for example Times100206ADVCOM
). See Appendix B for the format of this file. Once the export has completed, the Insert Draw Export report will list the number of records exported, and other information about the process.