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mass2one™ Email Campaign Manager® is a popular marketing software application that offers e-mail campaign features. Circulation can export occupant information, including e-mails, to mass2one. Occupants with certain subscriber status(es) for a product you specify will be exported. Solicitation codes can be used to flag subscribers who should not be e-mailed.
Select Mass2one from the Utilities | Export
menu to display the mass2one Export screen.
Select Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the publication that should be exported, or enter “*” to multi-select publications. All subscriptions to the products selected will be exported. So, for example, if two products are selected and an occupant has a subscription to both, the occupant will be exported twice. Occupants with no subscriptions to the selected products will be exported with a status of “non-subscriber”.
Select the type of subscriber whose occupant information should be exported: Active, Temp Stopped, Former or Never. Enter “*” to multi-select.
Select the solicitation code that should be used to denote occupants that should not be e-mailed (for example a “NoEmail” solicitation code). Enter “*” to multi-select codes. Occupants who are assigned to one of these solicitation codes will be exported with the “Do not Email” indicator set to “yes”.
Indicate whether only occupants who have an e-mail address should be exported (require), only occupants who do not have an e-mail address should be exported (exclude), or all occupants should be exported regardless of e-mail address (either).
open (25)
Enter the name for the export file. Occupant information will be exported to this file in the /dti/exchange/cm directory.
Select Continue to run the export. Occupant information will be exported to the /dti/exchange/cm
directory, using the file name entered by the user. See Appendix B for the file format. After the export has completed, a report will display information on the process, including the number of records exported.