Draw Management
Last updated
Last updated
The 'Draw Mgmt' menu contains options for batch, group, and advance draw changes; returns; and draw adjustments. It also contains utilities for updating pending draw figures and the preprint zone summary file. The Draw Management options are listed below.
Use this option if you are entering draw changes for a number of single copy routes. If you want to change draw for only a few routes (or for a home delivery route), use the Draw Change option instead. If you want to adjust the draw for all single copy routes, use the Group Draw Change option.
Note: If you want to change a route’s draw after Transaction Processing, you must enter a draw adjustment.
Select Batch Draw Change from the Draw Mgmt menu.
Enter parameters for the batch in the fields described below. Then click OK.
open (10)
Enter a name for this batch (either a new batch ID or the ID of a suspended batch). Note: Batch ID field cannot be blank.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the product that should default when draw changes are entered.
Indicate the source of the draw change, such as “District Manager”.
Indicate the reason for the draw changes, such as “updraw” or “seasonal”.
Specify the draw class that will be affected by this draw change.
Enter the default publishing date on which the draw changes should take effect.
Enter the default publishing date on which the draw changes or replacement should be reversed. If these draw changes are permanent, do not enter a date here.
integer (7)
Enter the total number of papers that will be changed or replaced in this batch. Use “-” if the total is negative. If replacing a draw, count all the papers in the draw.
This field displays the total number of draw changes made thus far. It will initially be zero, and increase (or decrease) as you enter draw changes.
Batch draw changes are often entered for routes on a specific truck or district. The Batch Draw Change option can default all of a truck or district’s routes, making entry of this type of batch more efficient and accurate. In this field, indicate whether routes in a specific account, district, truck, zip, edition, or demographic should default, or select manual if no routes should default. Note: If the selection type is “account,” a Prefill button will be available in the bottom of the window to prefill the draw change entry pane with an account’s draw. When you click this button, a popup window appears for entry of an account number. Multiple accounts can be prefilled in this manner.
Enter the specific selection for the selection type entered above. For example, if you entered “District” above, enter a specific district here.
If the selection type is “Demographic”, enter the demographic by which you want to select routes.
If you entered a demographic above, enter the answer to that demographic here.
Indicate whether routes with no draw should be selected.
If this checkbox is not selected, the routes will be displayed with zero draw changes, and you will need to enter them by selecting Modify. If this checkbox is selected, draw changes will default, using the following method: • A route’s percentage of the draw of the truck or district will determine the percentage of the total draw change it receives (pct. of draw * total draw change). For example, if a truck has a total draw of 3000, a route’s draw is 150 and the total draw change is 120 papers, the route will receive a draw change of 6 papers (150/3000 = .05, and .05 * 120 = 6). Calculations will be rounded up or down to the nearest whole number.
• If an effective date and a reversal date are specified on the batch screen, the draw changes will be distributed across these days. If no reversal date is entered, the draw changes will be distributed across the entire week, starting with the effective date.
• The default draw type will be “Adjust” (not “Replace”).
• If a route has a maximum draw change amount defined, the defaulted draw change will not be above the maximum. Likewise, if a minimum is defined, the default will be above the minimum.
• Draw change amounts for all routes can be modified for fine-tuning. Routes that default with a draw of zero will not be included in the draw change batch and no draw change transactions will be created for them.
Select this checkbox if single copy routes that are set up not to allow draw changes (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup) should be selected anyway. Note: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
Click Add and enter the draw changes for each single copy route, one at a time. You can add or subtract from the existing draw, or replace the existing draw with a new number. The columns in which you enter draw change information are described below. After entering each draw change, you can click OK to save that information, and then click Add to add the next draw change, or simply press Enter in the last column.
Enter the product to which this draw change applies.
Enter the ID of a single copy route whose draw should be changed (press F2 to display a route lookup). The single copy route must be set up to allow draw changes, or draw change entry will not be allowed.
Enter the draw class that is affected by this draw change. If only one draw class is valid for this route, this column will be populated automatically and skipped.
Indicate whether the draw for this route should be adjusted or replaced. If replacing a draw, the replacement draw must stay within the minimum and maximum draws set up for the route.
integer (3)
If the draw change is the same for all the days of the week, enter the number for each day here. Otherwise, leave this field blank.
integer (3)
For each day of the week, enter the amount the draw should be changed. Enter “-” for negative amounts. If you are replacing (rather than changing) draw, enter the total new draw for each day of the week. Days that are holidays or non-publishing days will not be active for draw change entry.
Enter effective and reversal dates for this draw change, or accept the default date(s). Leave Reversal Date blank if the draw change is permanent.
When you have entered all the necessary draw changes, click OK and then Accept to accept the batch. If your control number (Total Papers) does not match the actual number of draw changes entered (Entered Papers), you will have to change the control number or modify one or more draw changes. You can also suspend a batch, and then modify or accept it later.
Note: Draw change tolerances can be defined for single copy route types to establish a range of “reasonable” draw change amounts. A red exclamation point will be displayed in the far-left column if a draw change amount does not fit within specified tolerances. See Single Copy Type in the Setup Manual for more information.
The Refuse button is used only for draw change batches entered through iServices Distribution, and it is available only when viewing one of these batches. Clicking this button causes the batch to be sent back to the carrier or agent along with optional refusal text (e.g., describing the reason for the refusal). The carrier or agent will then have the opportunity to modify the batch and resubmit it for review/acceptance.
Pending draw figures, which are based on both processed and unprocessed transactions, are useful for predicting future draws. Pending draw is different from projected draw, which does not take unprocessed transactions into account.
This option creates pending draw records by looking at unprocessed transactions happening on or before a specified date (it does not process the transactions). You may update pending draw as often as you wish, and you can view it on the Draws tab (See Draws). Pending draw can also be updated automatically as part of End Publ Run; a Business Rule determines how many days are updated.
Select Update Pending Draw from the Draw Mgmt menu to display the Update Pending Draw window.
Click Add.
Complete the following fields.
Enter the ID of the product whose draw should be updated.
integer (3)
Enter the number of days in advance of the current publishing date for which the draw should be calculated. Or, leave this field defaulted to “0” and enter a date in the next field.
If DAYS is left at “0”, this field becomes active for the entry of a date. Pending draw will be estimated through this date.
You may choose to update pending draw figures for only certain routes. Routes can be selected by route, district, single copy type, or route type. Enter all here to update pending draw for all routes.
Enter the route, district, single copy type, or route type for which to update pending draw, or enter “*” to multi-select. If Selection Type is “all”, this field will not be used.
Click and then Continue to update the draw.
Note: Update Preprint Zone is available only if you have InsertPlus.
InsertPlus uses Circulation draw figures to calculate required quantities for preprints. InsertPlus Scheduling uses an intermediary file called Preprint Zone Summary, which stores circulation figures provided by Circulation.
You can use the Update Preprint Zone option to manually update the Preprint Zone Summary file with the most recent Circulation draw figures. Preprint Zone Summary may also be updated automatically at the end of each publishing run in Circulation (this is an InsertPlus Business Rule). InsertPlus Business Rules also determine whether actual or pending draw is used to update the file.
Select Update Preprint Zone from the Draw Mgmt menu to display the Update Preprint Zone Summary window.
Click Add and specify the publication for which to update the Preprint Zone Summary file. Note that you cannot enter combined publications here—a combined publication is updated when Update Preprint Zone is run for its component publications.
Click OK and then Continue to update the Preprint Zone Summary file with the draw figures for this product for the current publishing date and the six days following it. A report will be displayed, listing any errors that occurred as part of the update process.
This option is designed specifically for situations in which a late-breaking story or other event makes your single copy draw increase (or decrease) for a short period of time. Typically, this will be a one-day-only draw change.
Group Draw Change changes the draw for all single copy routes within the selection parameters you enter by a certain percentage or quantity. It will create a suspended batch of draw changes, which you must then accept using the Batch Draw Change option (see Draw Management). You must do this before final Transaction Processing is run for the publishing day.
Group Draw Change is composed of two options: Entry and Processing.
Select Entry from the Draw Mgmt | Group Draw Change menu.
Click Add, enter information about the group draw batch, and click OK. Or, click Copy and copy group draw changes from a previous date, if they are the similar to the current batch of group draw changes.
open (10)
Assign an ID to this batch of draw changes.
open (30)
Enter a description of the batch.
Specify the publication for which you are entering group draw changes.
Enter a source code that describes who is entering or initiating the draw changes, such as “DM”.
Enter a reason code that describes why the changes are being made, such as “STORY”.
The effective date is the date on which the draw changes will first apply, and the reverse date is the date on which they will be reversed. The current publishing date for your publication will default as the effective date, and the day after will default as the reverse date. This will give you a one-day draw change. You can set the effective and reverse dates as many days apart as you wish, but you must enter a reverse date.
In Select Days, indicate whether this draw change applies only to selected days of the week. Then, select the day(s) of the week from the Weekday combo box.
Enter the draw class to which this draw change applies.
Select this checkbox if routes that already have a draw change on the selected dates should be excluded from this group draw change.
Indicate whether routes with zero draw should be included.
Select this checkbox if draw changes should be made for single copy routes that are set up not to allow them (i.e., draw changes = “no” in Route Setup). Note: The availability of this checkbox is controlled by the “AllowDrwChgOvrd” Transaction Security item.
decimal (5)
If you are changing the draw by a certain percentage, enter it here. For example, if you enter “10.00”, and a route would normally have a draw of 70, the draw for the route will be 77 during the group draw date range. To decrease draw, enter a minus sign (-) with the percentage.
integer (6)
If you enter a percentage, you can use these fields to indicate the minimum and maximum number of copies the draw should increase (or decrease) on the selected routes. For example, if a route has a draw of 20, and the draw change is for 15%, the draw would increase to 23. However, if the minimum was 30, this route would be given a draw of 30 instead. If the percentage is negative (decreasing draw), you should also enter a minus sign (-) with the minimum and maximum.
integer (6)
Rather than increasing draw by a percentage, you can specify a quantity. All routes selected will increase their draw by this number. So, if you enter “10” here, a route with a normal draw of 40 will now have a draw of 50. To decrease the draw, enter a minus sign (-) with the quantity.
If a percent change is entered rather than a quantity change, the base draw class entered here (if different from the draw class entered in Draw Class) will be used as the basis for calculating the draw change.
open (unlimited)
You can enter any remarks about the draw change here.
Click Add and choose the routes that will receive draw changes. Routes can be selected based on:
AAM zone
Zip code
Route class
Single copy type, or
Single copy demographic
After specifying one of these selection types in the Select By column, enter a value (such as a particular AAM zone or single copy type) in the Value column. For single copy demographics, you must also enter a demographic answer in the Answer column. Only routes that have given this answer to the demographic question will be selected.
You can enter as many parameters as you want. Be aware, however, that Group Draw Change will create draw changes only for routes that match at least one of the values of each “select by” category used. For example, if you enter Zip codes 55113 and 55119 and route class “beach”, only routes that are within 55113 or 55119 and have a route class of “beach” will be selected.
When you have finished entering selection parameters, click OK. You can now accept the batch of group draw changes.
Select Processing from the Draw Mgmt | Group Draw Change menu.
Click Add and select the ID of the batch you have just entered in the Batch field.
Click OK and then Continue to create a suspended batch of group draw changes. Note that the changes still need to be accepted in Batch Draw Change.
The Advance Draw Change option allows you to adjust advance draw up or down by a certain percentage. Advance draw changes might be necessary, for example, if the newspaper knows there will be many temporary stops on a holiday and, therefore, the actual draw will be significantly less than the advance draw. In this case, the advance draw should be decreased. Advance draw can be changed for one or more route types, single copy types, and/or label groups.
Note: If advance draw has been rounded, advance draw changes should not be made.
Select Advance Draw Change from the Draw Mgmt menu.
Click Add and complete the fields described below.
Enter the publication whose advance draw is being changed.
If you keep advance draw at the section level (a Business Rules consideration), enter the section whose advance draw is being changed. Enter “*” to multi-select sections. If you do not keep advance draw at the section level, this field will be set to “*”.
If advance draw is being changed for home delivery routes, enter the route type to change or enter “*” to multi-select route types.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for routes with the route type(s) selected above. Enter “-” to decrease draw.
If advance draw is being changed for single copy routes, enter the single copy type to change or enter “*” to multi-select single copy types.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for routes with the single copy type(s) selected above.
If advance draw is being changed for mail subscribers, enter the label group to change or enter “*” to multi-select label groups.
decimal (4)
Enter the percentage to adjust the advance draw for the label group(s) selected above.
Enter the run date for the advance run that should be adjusted. An advance run must be active for this date.
Click OK and then Continue to adjust the advance draw. Once the advance draw has been adjusted, the Advance Draw Change report will be displayed. This report lists draw totals before and after the adjustment, and other information about the process. The standard view/print options are available for the report.
Carriers and dealers do not always receive (or sell) the expected number of papers. To record these changes in Circulation, follow these three rules:
If the draw is changed before final Transaction Processing has taken place (for example, if a convenience store manager calls to order 50 extra papers after a big story breaks), you should enter a draw change.
If the draw needs adjustment after final Transaction Processing (for example, a dealer calls at the last minute and orders additional papers), you should enter a draw adjustment.
If the draw is correct, but extra papers are returned (this typically happens only with single copy dealers and racks), you should enter returns using one of the options on the Returns menu.
Because returns and draw adjustments involve posting charges or credits, charge/credit codes must be set up for them. Draw adjustment codes are then set up and linked to a charge/credit code. When you enter draw adjustments or returns, you must specify the draw adjustment code. This code controls several aspects of draw adjustment processing:
Whether carriers should be charged for the adjustment.
If carriers are charged, the charge code specified for the draw adjustment determines whether this is a credit or a charge. Returns should always be credits.
Whether the adjustment should adjust AAM history.
When account bill processing is run, the returns or draw adjustments are added or subtracted from the draw (depending on the charge code), and the draw is then rated in the normal way (by account rating). A return will usually credit the carrier/dealer’s account (for the value of that paper as determined by rating—the rate used for the draw charge will also be used for the return). The exception would be a return “reversal” used to correct erroneous returns entered in a previous batch.
Business Rules determine whether a warning is displayed if adjustments or returns have been entered for the same route previously that day, or if the number of returns entered is greater than the number of papers received that day by the route. Business Rules also govern whether payments are automatically created when cash amounts are entered (typically for racks).
Returns can be managed with the following options:
You can track authorized and unauthorized returns for single copy routes. Returns that do not conform to the “return rules” that have been established are considered “unauthorized”; while returns that are within the rules are considered “authorized”. Returns can be identified as unauthorized for the following reasons:
• The returns amount exceeds the original draw for the day.
• Returns are imported on a day when there was no original draw.
• Returns are past the return-by date.
• Returns are imported for an invalid edition.
• Returns exceed a maximum return percentage.
Business Rules in the Returns section determine the draw adjust code that will be applied to returns that are identified as unauthorized for various reasons.
Maximum return percentages can be set up for each draw class. Returns that do not fall within the maximum percentage are considered unauthorized. See Draw Class in the Setup Manual for more information about draw class setup.
When returns are processed, the return quantity entered is applied according to the return priority of each draw class as set up in Draw Class Publication (see Publication in the Setup Manual). For example, let’s say you use two draw classes: Box-out and Standing. Box-out is set up with a return priority of 10, and Standing is set up with a return priority of 20. This means that returns will be applied first to the Box-out draw class (up to the maximum allowable returns), and then to the Standing draw class. Should the number of returns exceed the maximum allowable returns of the Standing draw class, anything left over is considered “unauthorized”.
Returns that fall outside of the defined return period are considered unauthorized. A hierarchy is used to determine which set of return rules is used:
If the returnable after days and returnable days fields are defined for a product/single copy type combination, those rules will override all other rules. See Return Rules in the Setup Manual for more information about this option.
In Press Room Entry, a return period date range can be entered to identify the acceptable period for returns. These dates will default from the Deliverable record if they exist, but can be overridden by entering different dates.
If neither of the above rules are set up, the returnable days and returnable after fields in Deliverable setup will be used to define the returns period. See Deliverable for more information about Deliverable setup.
Note: Unauthorized returns appear with a red exclamation point next to them in the returns windows.
A Transaction Security item, “UnauthRetrnOvrd” (Unauthorized Return Override) can be used to allow certain users to override the return rules that have been set up. These users will be able to click on the red exclamation point, which will turn yellow, indicating that the return is now authorized.
A “docked” tab, Return Periods, allows you to display the allowable return days for a product and edition.
You select a product and edition, and then click on a publishing date in the calendar. The dates for which the product is returnable will be highlighted in the calendar (based on all of the rules entered). If no rules exist, a message will be displayed indicating that no rules have been defined for that product and date.
Use this option to record single copy route returns for a publishing day.
To enter returns for a day:
Select Returns For A Day from the Returns menu to display the Returns for a Day window.
You will probably enter many returns at once. The returns you enter in one session make up a batch. Enter information that applies to the batch of returns you post (described below).
open (10)
If you are entering a new batch, enter a unique ID for it here. If you are restarting a suspended batch, enter the batch ID and click OK to bring up the batch information.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the draw adjustment code (Rack, Dealer, etc.) for the returns.
Indicate the date on which you are entering the returns. You may not enter returns for a date that has already been billed (i.e., the date you enter in Entry Date cannot be a date for which billing has been processed).
Enter the default publishing date to be used during return entry.
decimal (11)
Enter the total amount of cash collected (typically from racks) in this batch.
decimal (11)
Enter the number of returns in this batch.
Used only for Route Returns.
This field is used to “prefill” the returns entry portion of the window for more efficient entry. In other words, you can show all of a truck’s routes or all of an account’s products for which returns can potentially be entered. The options are: • Account, which then allows you to specify an individual account. All of the parent products delivered by that account will then be shown, and returns can be entered by simply typing the quantity returned. Sub-products will not be pre-filled, although they can be added. Otherwise, returns for sub-products will be calculated based on the draw percentage identified in Deliverable setup. • Truck, which then allows you to enter a truck sequence and truck. All of the truck’s routes will be shown, and returns can be entered by simply typing the quantity returned. You must enter the Product when using this entry type. • Manual, which does not pre-fill information in the window.
If the Entry Type is Truck, specify the product that should default in return entry.
If the Entry Type is Truck, enter the truck sequence here, and the truck ID here in the truck field. All of the routes dropped by the truck on this truck sequence will automatically display in the batch window.
If the Entry Type is Truck, enter the truck ID. If the Entry Type is Account, enter the account ID.
Displays an updated cash total as you add return entries to the batch.
Displays an updated paper total as you add return entries to the batch.
Click OK to accept the batch information. If you have entered an amount in Cash Total (i.e., if you will enter cash collected from racks), a Cash Batch window will open. Enter a name and description for the payment batch, as well as the ID of the bank where this cash will be deposited.
In the lower part of the window, enter the returns for each route, one route at a time. The columns are described below. Click OK after entering each route’s returns.
Indicate the product for which you are entering returns. You may override the default.
Enter the ID of the single copy route for which you are entering returns, or press F2 for a route lookup. Or, you can enter the account ID or name to locate the route. In order to enter returns for a route, the route must be set up to allow returns.
integer (6)
Enter the quantity of returns received for this particular route.
decimal (8)
Enter the amount collected from this single copy outlet (typically, a rack). This amount is used to determine the pilferage amount for the route. Business Rules determine if this amount creates an account payment. If so, a payment record will be created for each account receiving a payment (the account may have multiple routes).
Enter the publishing date for these returns (this is defaulted from Publishing Date above).
Enter the draw adjustment date for AAM Reporting purposes. This will be the same date as Draw Date unless AAM has already been closed for the draw date.
The draw adjustment code entered for this batch is displayed here.
When you are finished entering returns, click Accept in the batch area of the window. If your control totals for papers and cash (entered on the default window) are not in agreement with what you have entered, a warning will appear and you will be able to modify the control totals. If the control totals match, you will exit to the main Route Service window. If you want to leave this batch open and return to it later, click Suspend rather than Accept. You can restart it later by entering the batch name.
Note: Once you accept a batch of returns, you can make corrections by selecting RETURNS FOR A DAY and entering negative values (or using a charge, rather than credit, draw adjustment code).
Note: The Batch Type field is a display-only field that will always display “RETURNS”.
The Prefill button at the bottom of the window allows you to change the truck or account for which you are entering returns. For example, to change from truck M10 shown above, you would click the Prefill button to bring up the Prefill popup window. You would then select the new truck and click OK to return to the returns window.
You may want to enter returns weekly instead of daily. Weekly returns are entered in the same way as daily returns, except they can be entered for each day of the week that a route delivers. Based on the date entered in Entry Date, the seven days of the previous week are displayed.
The Period Start Date field is controlled by a Business Rule, When entering returns or adjustments for a week should the draw date represent the start or end of that week? (Returns section). In this case, “Start” is the setting for this Business Rule, and the prefill dates are selected forward from this date. The other possible setting is “End”, which will change the field label to Period End Date, and the prefill dates will be selected backward from this date.
This option allows you to import returns from another software program, creating a suspended batch of returns. You can then activate and accept the suspended batch using Returns For A Day or Returns For A Week. Returns can be imported for single copy routes only.
The import file can be given any name and imported from anywhere on your system. The format is determined by the file map you create for it (DrawAdjImprt usage).
Select Returns Import from the Returns menu.
Click Add and enter information about the file and the batch that will be created.
open (10)
Specify an ID for the suspended returns batch that will be created.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the publication to which these returns belong.
Enter draw adjustment codes for these returns; separate codes will be applied to positive and negative values that are imported. Only draw adjustment codes that are valid for returns may be entered.
Enter the date for this batch of returns. This is usually the current date.
Select a file format to use (set up in File Map) for the export.
open (45)
Enter the name of the import file.
If this checkbox is selected, a file will be exported to dti/exchange/cm that contains the barcode and ANA/URN as well as specific data on returns that were accepted and rejected. Rejected claims are identified with specific error codes and reasons. Note: This checkbox is available only when a custom EDI file map is being used.
If Claims Acknowledgement is selected, select the file map to be used for exporting the barcode, ANA/URN, and other information.
If Claims Acknowledgement is selected, specify the name of the export file that will be created.
Click OK and then Continue to import the returns and create the batch. A processing report will be displayed after the import is completed.
Some home delivery routes may have returns. For example, a carrier might deliver carrier collect subscriptions on a daily-pay basis (the subscriber must pay at the door to receive the paper). After the route is delivered, the carrier might then have several carrier collect copies to return.
In order to enter returns for a home delivery route, the route must be set up to allow returns.
Note: Returns are not allowed for office pay, paid complimentary, or unpaid complimentary draw types.
Route returns are entered in the same way as single copy returns (see Returns for a Day), but the returns are broken down into carrier collect, sample, and service. In addition, the delivery schedule and, if you store draw by rate code, subscriber rate code must be specified. This is because account rates (and thus the value of the return) can be defined by delivery schedule and subscriber rate code.
The Returns Journal lists all returns that were entered using the Returns for a Day, Returns for a Week, and Route Returns options, as well as imported using Returns Import.
Select Returns Journal from the Draw Mgmt | Returns menu to display the Returns Audit Report window.
Click Add and enter parameters for the report.
Indicate whether returns are to be included according to batch, draw date, entry date, or AAM draw date.
open (10)
If you entered batch in the above field, enter the batch you want included in the report.
If you did not enter batch in Report Type, enter a date range here.
Indicate whether only suspended batches should be included in the report.
Indicate if this is a single copy, route, or TM report.
Enter the product to be used in this report.
Indicate whether this report should sort by route, district, zone, region, or area.
Enter the route, district, zone, region or area (depending on what type is entered above) to include, or multi-select entities.
If the selection type is “district” and a district should be sorted by district manager, enter detail here. Otherwise, enter summary. For example, if a new manager is assigned within a reporting period and “detail” is selected, information for the old and new district managers would be reported separately.
Select a return type of authorized, unauthorized, or both.
Indicate if you want to export the Returns Journal.
Select a file format to use (set up in File Map) for the export.
open (20)
Enter the name of the file to be exported.
Select append to add new figures to an existing file or replace to replace an existing file.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
A draw adjustment is needed to change a route’s draw after final Transaction Processing has taken place for that publishing day. For example, if a dealer at a convenience store sells out all 100 of her papers and calls in to order 50 extra copies, a draw adjustment would be entered for this route. The draw for this day would then be recorded as 150.
Like returns, draw adjustments are entered in batches. A draw adjustment code (such as “rackadj” or “dealer”) must be specified for each batch.
Do not confuse draw adjustments with draw changes, which are made before Transaction Processing. Draw changes are for future changes to the draw, while draw adjustments are for historical changes.
Draw adjustments are typically entered for single copy outlets (dealers, racks, etc.) on a daily or weekly basis.
You can manage draw adjustments with the following options:
Draw adjustments can also be entered by the dealers or district managers themselves, via iServices Distribution. However, iServices draw adjustments can only reallocate draw between outlets of the same dealer or DM—the net adjustment must be zero. See the iServices Distribution manual for more information.
Use this option to enter draw adjustments for single copy outlets for a single day.
Select Adjust For A Day from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Adjust for a Day window.
Complete the following batch-related fields.
open (10)
Enter a name for this batch (either a new batch ID or the ID of a suspended batch).
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Specify the product that should default during draw adjustment entry.
Enter the default draw adjustment code (“rackadj”, “dealer”, etc.) for the draw adjustment.
Indicate the date on which you are entering the draw adjustments. You cannot enter adjustments for a date that has already been billed. In other words, the date you enter in this field cannot be a date for which billing has been processed.
Enter the default publishing draw date to be used during draw adjustment entry.
Select this checkbox if a bundle top is required for each entry in the batch. This option is available for products that allow resupply. See Resupply Documents.
This field shows the type of batch being created. The batch type is determined by the draw adjust code being entered. “DNORDER” will be displayed if the draw adjust code is for “did not order” adjustments.
Enter the total number of papers that will be entered in this batch.
Will be updated as you enter draw adjustments.
Click OK to accept the batch information. Fields for draw adjustment entry will appear.
Click Add and enter draw adjustments for each route, one at a time.
Specify the product for which you are entering draw adjustments (or accept the default).
Enter the ID of the single copy route for which you are entering the adjustment. Or, you can enter the account ID or account name to locate the route.
If the single copy type assigned to this route supports multiple draw classes, specify the draw class here.
integer (6)
Enter the number of papers adjusted for the route. Enter a “-” sign if the adjustment is negative (typically, a negatives are used only to correct a previous adjustment that was erroneously entered).
Indicate the publishing date for which you are entering adjustments (or accept the default).
Enter the draw adjustment date for AAM reporting purposes. This will be the same date as DRAW DATE unless AAM has already been closed for the draw date.
Enter the draw adjustment code to use with this adjustment, or accept the default. This code determines whether the draw adjustment increases or decreases the draw for the route. If the draw adjustment code is a charge code, the draw will be increased; if it is a credit code, the draw will be decreased.
When you have finished entering draw adjustments, click Accept. If the control totals for papers and cash are not in agreement with what you entered, a warning will appear, and you will be able to modify the control totals. If you want to leave this batch open and return to it later, click Suspend rather than Accept. You can restart it later by entering the batch name.
If you click Reject after entering batch information, none of the information will be saved. If you open a suspended batch and then click Reject, the suspended batch will be deleted, whether you made changes to it or not.
Select this option to enter draw adjustments for single copy outlets for an entire week. For example, you may enter rack draw adjustments for an entire week in a single batch on Friday.
Entering draw adjustments for a week involves the same procedure as entering adjustments for a day (see instructions). The only difference is that you enter draw adjustments for each day of the week. Based on the date you entered in the Entry Date field, the seven days of the previous week are displayed.
Draw adjustments may need to be entered occasionally for home delivery routes. Suppose, for example, that a district manager gives a carrier five sample papers at the last minute (after Transaction Processing has been run for that day). A draw adjustment would then have to be entered that increases the carrier’s draw and adjusts AAM history.
Another example of home delivery draw adjustments are previous delivery papers, which are sometimes given to new subscribers when they start. Previous delivery route draw adjustment batches can be automatically generated by Transaction Processing for previous delivery draw. Generated previous delivery batches will be named “PD[yymmdd]”, where [yymmdd] is the publishing date on which the previous delivery paper is being delivered.
Only previous delivery draw adjustments can be made to office pay, paid complimentary, or unpaid complimentary draw types. Other draw adjustments can be made to carrier collect, sample and service draw types only.
Route draw adjustments can also be automatically created for back-dated subscriber transactions, if the Business Rule— Should backdated transactions create draw adjustments between associated routes? is set to “Yes” and the home delivery route in question is associated with a single copy route (Associated Route field in the Route Setup Utility). For example, a subscriber may start a subscription on Monday, but the newspaper may not be notified until Wednesday. In this instance, the agent provides the paper to the subscriber from a specific single copy route until the regular route draw is updated. A route draw adjustment is then created to adjust the home delivery route’s draw after the fact. For backdated transaction draw adjustments, the batch will be named “HD[yymmdd][seq]”, where [ymmdd] is the batch entry date, and [seq] is a sequence number, such as “001”.
The Restate AAM History and Digital Access Draw options also create draw adjustment batches that can be accepted in Route Adjust. In this case the adjustments are typically made in order to create digital draw for AAM reporting purposes.
Route draw adjustments are entered in the same way as single copy draw adjustments (see Adjust for a Day for instructions), but the route adjustments are broken down into carrier collect, sample, and service. In addition, the delivery schedule and rate code (if you store draw by subscriber rate code) must be specified. This is because account rates (and thus the value of the added draw) can be defined by delivery schedule and rate code.
If the batch of draw adjustments is for previous delivery papers, the window will be slightly different—there will be a column for carrier collect, office pay, paid comp and unpaid comp. Also, if the batch of draw adjustments is for AAM history restatement, there will be a column for AAM column and subscription.
The Batch Type field is a display-only field that shows the type of batch being created. The batch type is determined by the code entered. “DNORDER” is displayed in this field if the draw adjust code is for “did not order” adjustments.
A Business Rule determines the maximum number of records that can be visible in a route draw adjust batch. This typically pertains to batches created automatically by Restate AAM History or another option. Regardless of the size of the batch, when the batch is accepted, all records will be processed in the background.
The Draw Adjustment Journal prints the draw adjustments entered in Adjust For A Day, Adjust For A Week, and Route Adjust, that fit the specified criteria. Draw adjustments created by Tran Processing for previous deliveries will be listed only when the report is run for the previous delivery batch.
Select Draw Adjust Journal from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Draw Adjust Audit Report window.
Click Add to enter parameters for the report.
Indicate whether the report should include adjustments by batch, draw date, entry date, or AAM draw date.
open (10)
If you entered batch in the previous field, enter the batch to include in the report.
If you did not enter batch in Report Type, enter a date range of the report. Draw adjustments will be included if their entry date, draw date, or AAM draw date (whichever is specified in Report Type) falls within the date range entered here.
Indicate whether to include only suspended batches.
Indicate if this report is for single copy outlets, home delivery routes, or TM products.
Enter the product for which to print adjustments.
Indicate whether this report should sort by route, district, zone, region, or area.
Enter the route, district, zone, region or area (depending on what type is entered above) to include or enter “*” to multi-select.
If the selection type is “district” and a district should be sorted by district manager, enter detail here. Otherwise enter summary. For example, if a new manager is assigned within a reporting period and “detail” is selected, information for the old and new district managers would be reported separately.
Indicate whether authorized, unauthorized, or both types of returns should be included in the report.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
This feature is similar to the Returns Import. It allows you to import a suspended batch of draw adjustments, which can later be activated and accepted using Adjust For A Day. After the batch is accepted, Circulation will append the suffix “.old” to the file name (for example “nov11.dradj” would be changed to “nov11.dradj.old”).
Draw adjustments can be imported for single copy routes only. The import file can be given any name and imported from anywhere on your system. The format is determined by the file map you create for it (DrawAdjImprt usage).
Select Draw Adjust Import from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Draw Adjust Audit Report window.
Click Add to enter parameters for the report.
open (10)
Enter an ID for the suspended draw adjustment batch that will be created.
open (30)
Enter a description of this batch.
Enter the publication to which these draw adjustments belong.
Indicate whether these draw adjustments should have resupply documents created for them. See Resupply Documents for more information.
Enter draw adjustment codes for these draw adjustments; separate codes should be used for the positive and negative values that are imported.
Enter the draw adjustment code to be applied to any unauthorized draw adjustments imported from the file.
Enter the date for this batch of draw adjustments. This is usually the current date.
Enter the name of the file map to use for this import.
open (45)
Enter path and file name of the import file.
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw adjustments and create the batch.
The Copies Sold Import allows you to import sold or shrink copies for single copy outlets. This is an optional feature.
Circulation can track copies sold by a single copy outlet, as well as shrink copies (copies lost, spoiled, stolen or otherwise unaccounted for). For example, the quantity sold at a store may be pulled from the registers at the end of each day. Either sold or shrink copies can be imported. One quantity is used to determine the other, using the equation:
shrink = net draw (including adjustments and returns) - copies sold
So, if a batch contains sold copies, Circulation calculates the shrink copies when it is accepted. If the batch contains shrink copies, Circulation calculates the copies sold. Sold copies will not affect the account balance, but shrink copies can credit the account like other negative draw adjustments, and display on invoices.
Draw adjustment codes for sold and shrink copies can be defined, and sold or shrink copies can be imported via this option. In order to import sold or shrink copies, a file map must be defined in File Map setup with a usage of “SoldImport” (see Appendix B). Draw adjustments can also be entered manually for sold or shrink copies, by selecting the sold or shrink draw adjustment code in Adjust for a Day or Adjust for a Week.
Amounts for sold copies can also be imported, via the Proof of Sale Adj option on the Account Payments menu (see Proof of Sale Adj). This credits the account for the original draw charge and posts a new charge for the same amount, but with the current date.
Create a file of draw adjustments in format of the Sold Import file map discussed above, and place it in your dti/exchange/cm directory. The file can contain sold copies or shrink copies, but you cannot mix the two.
Select Copies Sold Import from the Draw Mgmt | Draw Adjustments menu to display the Single Copy Sold/Shrink Import screen.
Select Add and specify the batch, file name, and other information for the import. The fields are described in the table below.
open (12) open (30)
Specify a batch name and description for this batch of sold/shrink draw adjustments.
Select the product that these draw adjustments pertain to. Or, if the product is contained in the file format, leave this field blank.
Select the draw adjustment code defined for sold or shrink copies. This determines whether the copies imported are counted as sold or shrink.
Specify the entry date for the draw adjustments. If the import file has a date in it, this date will only be used as the batch date. The last published date defaults.
Select the file format for the import. This is the file map discussed above.
open (45)
Enter the file name containing the sold/shrink adjustments. The file must exist in your dti/exchange/cm directory.
Click OK and then Continue to import the draw adjustment batch. The batch will be suspended.
Once a batch of sold or shrink copies has been imported, it can be accepted in Adjust for a Day or Adjust for a Week. Select the Batch ID in the Batch field and click OK to display the adjustments in the suspended batch. If the adjustments look correct and the batch can be accepted, click Accept.