Trans Cost Export
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Last updated
Some states allow a subscription’s delivery cost to be exempted from taxes (see Trans Exclusion for more information). Newspapers that take advantage of this exemption may be required to inform subscribers of their delivery cost. Most office pay subscribers can receive this information via their invoice or renewal notice (transportation cost is included in the renewal export formats—see Appendix B). For the remaining subscribers, a special notice must be sent. This option, Trans Cost Export, exports delivery cost information to an ASCII file, which can be used to create the notices.
The Transportation Cost Export is part of the Taxing add-on feature. Contact the Naviga Global Support Center if you wish to purchase the Taxing add-on.
The Transportation Cost Export will include the following subscribers:
Auto renew subscribers who have auto renewed within the date range entered.
New office pay subscribers who have sent in a payment within the date range entered, but have not yet received an invoice.
All carrier collect subscribers who were active within the date range. In order to do this, the carriers must be credited for the carrier collect draw (the credit amount should be the tax on the transportation cost).
All subscribers (such as newspaper employees) assigned to a certain rate code.
Note: Subscribers who are tax exempt will not be included in the export.
As part of the export, a TM product set up to credit carriers for delivery of the notices can be processed.
Select Trans Cost Export from the Subscriber menu to display the Trans Cost Export window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product for which to export delivery costs.
Enter a date range for the export. Subscribers will be included in the export based on this date range.
Enter the rate code used for newspaper employees. Subscribers with this rate code will be included in the export. Leave this field blank if employees should not be specifically included.
Indicate whether a TM product should be processed as part of the export.
setup date
If UPDATE TM is selected, enter the ID of the TM product that should be processed for delivery credits. This TM product must be set up in advance and should be flagged for delivery credits. Also enter the delivery date for the notices—the TM delivery credits will be based on this date.
Click OK and then Continue to run the export. Delivery cost information will be exported to the file /dti/exchange/cm/TCEXPORT
(see Appendix B for the file format).