Stacker Interface

Note: All of the stacker interfaces require a separate license fee to use. Contact the Naviga Support Center for more information.

File type: Fixed Length. The format used depends upon the brand of stacker machine, and is controlled by Business Rules. Note that not all versions of each stacker brand is supported—please verify the file format with the format required by your stacker version. Location: /dti/exchange/cm


Header record

Detail record


One record is read for each bundle on each route.


One record is read for each bundle on each route.


One record is created for each truck, one for each route’s standard bundles, and one for each routes’s key bundle (two if split key).


Note: To use the WinLincs format, your trucks must be set up in one of the ways shown below.

If you need WinLincs data by ad zone, you must have your trucks set up as follows:

  • Parent Truck A (a physical truck that contains only relay trucks but no routes). The relay trucks represent ad zones of this physical truck.

    • Truck A1 (contains relay trucks and routes for ad zone “123”, for example)

    • Truck A2 (contains relay trucks and routes for ad zone “246”, for example)

    • etc.

  • Parent Truck B (same as above)

    • Truck B1 (contains relay trucks and routes for ad zone “369”, for example)

    • Truck B2 (contains relay trucks and routes for ad zone “456”, for example)

    • etc.

If you do not need WinLincs data by ad zone, you must have one parent truck, and all trucks must be defined as relay trucks on the parent truck. For example:

  • Parent Truck A

    • Truck A1

    • Truck A2

    • Truck A3

    • etc.

The WinLincs interface creates the following records:

  • A header record

  • Truck data, which contains a record for each relay truck

  • Route data

Header Record

This record is fixed length, and each value is separated by a space. A carriage feed and line feed terminates each line.

Truck Data

This record is fixed length, and each value is separated by a space. A carriage feed and line feed terminates each line.

Route Data

This record is variable length, and each value is separated by a pipe symbol, “|”. A carriage feed and line feed terminates each line. A route record is created for every route on the truck, even if the truck is defined as “bulk” loaded. Illegal bundles are exported at the beginning of the truck. They can be exported individually or combined into one line, based on Business Rules.

Muller Martini

Note: When no Stacker File Name is specified in Enter Bundle Info, the file name will be: “MULLER” + <2-digit day of the month> + <3-character day of the week> + <product ID> + <Edition>. If the Edition is less than four characters, zeroes will be added to the front.

Header Record

Detail Record


This file is fixed length. The file format is shown below.

Note: When no Stacker File Name is specified in Enter Bundle Info, the file name will be: “FERAG” + <2-digit day of the month> + <product ID> + <3-character day of the week> + <Edition>.

Title Record

Truck List Record

Truck Detail Record

Route Start Record

Bundle Characteristics Record

This record is created only for the first route on the truck.

Route Detail Record

End of Truck Record

End of Title Record

Last updated
