Targeted Marketing

The following data elements can be used with the “TM” usage.

Data Element


Subscriber’s AAM zone.

Address ID

ID of subscriber’s address in Circulation.

Allow Web Access

Allow web access setting (yes/no).

Area Code

Occupant’s area code.

Area Code + Phone

Full phone number including area code.

Area ID

Area in which subscriber’s delivery route is located.

Billing Method

Subscriber’s billing method.

Bill to fields

All standard address and occupant fields are available for the bill-to address and occupant.


Digital Sales indicator (yes/no) for BillTo Address


Address building.

Campaign Code

ID of the targeted marketing campaign.

Canvass Board Number

Number of the canvass board.

Carrier fields

All standard address and occupant fields are available for the carrier.

Carrier ID

Subscriber’s delivery carrier.

Census Block ID Census Tract ID

Address census tract and block.

City ID

Address city.

Communication Item ID

The ID of the communication item selected for the TM product.

Communication Method ID

The communication method selected for the TM product (“address”, “email”, or “phone”).

Communication Method Details

The occupant’s e-mail address, phone number or address.

Communication Preference

This detail element contains allows you to define the following sub-elements related to an occupant’s communication preferences: Address ID, Communication Item ID, Communication Method Details, Communication Method ID, Communication Method Type, Line Feed, Literal, Occupant ID, Opt In Date, Opt In Reason, Opt In Source, Opt In Time, Opt Out Date, Opt Out Reason, Opt Out Source, Opt Out Time, Subscription ID.


Address complex.

Country ID

Address country.

County ID

Address county.

Credit Status ID

Subscriber’s assigned credit status.

Date Last Renewal Sent

Date last renewal notice or invoice was sent to subscriber.

Delivery Date

The date the TM product was delivered.

Delivery Instructions

Occupant delivery instructions.

Delivery Placement ID

Delivery placement for subscriber.

Delivery Product ID

ID of the delivery product.

Delivery Schedule ID

ID of the delivery schedule.

Demographic Answer

Demographic answer

Directions To Address

Directions to the address

Distrib Zone ID

ID of the distribution point

District ID

ID of the district

Dwelling Status Date Dwelling Status ID

Address dwelling status and date last updated.

Dwelling Type ID

Address dwelling type.

Email Address

Occupant’s email address.


Phone number extension.


Occupant’s external subscription ID (if interfaced from an external system).

First Name

Occupant’s first name.

Gets Paper

This flag is set to yes or no depending on whether the occupant is an active subscriber (i.e. is an active subscriber who is not temp stopped).

Home Page

Occupant’s home page.

Honorific ID

Occupant’s honorific (name suffix)

House Number

Address house number.

House Number Modifier

Address house number modifier.


Digital Sales indicator (yes/no)

Label Group ID

Label group ID.

Last Delivery Date

From the previous Product Address record (same product).

Last Name

Occupant’s last name.


Latitude location of the address.

Literal Value

Literal fields are hard-coded to display whatever is entered in “format”. For example, if a field should always display “Z”, set it up as a literal value and enter “Z” in FORMAT.


Longitude location of the address.


Line of travel (US Post Office)


Line of travel sequence

Mail Accessible

Address mail accessible flag (yes/no).

MailTo [address elements]

All address elements are available for the mail-to address (MailToBuilding, MailToCountyID, etc.)

Middle Initial

Occupant’s middle initial.

Military Foreign

Address military/foreign information.

Name Address Line (1-6)

These six lines can be used for the subscriber’s name and address, rather than using individual name and address elements.

Number Of Renewals Sent

Number of renewal notices or invoices sent to the subscriber so far in the current subscription period.

Occupant ID

Occupant ID in Circulation.

Occupant Type ID

Occupant type.

Original Start Date

Subscriber’s original start date.

Other Name

Occupant’s other name.

Other Name Usage

Occupant’s other name usage.


Occupant’s phone number.

Phone Unlisted

Phone number unlisted setting (yes/no).

PO Route Number, PO Route Type, PO Route Walk Sequence

Address post office route number, type and walk sequence.

Post Directional

Street address post directional.

Pre Directional

Street address predirectional.

Process Date

Process date for transaction.

Product ID

ID of the product.

Purchase Number

Purchase number entered with transaction.

Rate Code ID

Subscriber’s rate.

Receive Bonus Days

Bonus day flag for subscriber (yes/no).

Record Count

Record number in file.

Region ID

Region in which subscriber’s delivery route is located.

Renewal Delivery Override

Renewal delivery method override (yes/no).

Renewal Override Code

Override code for renewal delivery method.

Route Accessible

Address route accessible flag (yes/no).

Route ID

Subscriber’s route, if subscription is route-delivered.

Route Type ID

Route type of subscriber’s route.

Send Invoice Send Renewal

Send invoice and renewal flags, entered during starts or billing changes (yes/no).

Solicitation Detail

Address ID, Occupant ID, Literal Value, Line Feed, Subscription ID, Solitation Code ID and Description, End Date, Start Date, and Last Review Date.

State ID

Address state ID .

Street Name

Address street name.

Street Suffix ID

Address street suffix.


Flag that determines whether the occupant is a current subscriber (yes/no).

Subscriber Copies

Number of copies received by the subscriber on the selection date.

Subscription Balance

Balance on the subscription

Subscription Balance With Tax

Balance on the subscription plus tax

Subscription ID

Subscriber’s subscription ID

Subscription Status

Status of the subscription

Subscription Type

Type of subscription: “Day Pass” or “Term”

TM Product ID

Product ID of the TM product.

Town Of 25 ID

Address Town of 25.

Unit Designator ID Unit Number

Unit type and number.

Walk Sequence

Walk sequence.

ZIP Bar Code, ZIP Code, ZIP Extension

Zip code, Zip code + 4, and Zip bar code.

ZIP Code + ZIP Extension

Full ZIP Code, including extension.

Last updated
