
Tax Authority

A geographical area, such as a city, county, state, or country, that operates a tax that applies to some carriers or subscribers.

Third Party

A subscription paid for by a third party, such as a business.

Throwoff Subscriber

A subscriber who is listed as an individual drop on the truck manifest.


Targeted marketing of a publication or product to a selected group of addresses, via mail or carrier delivery.

Town of 25

A code that identifies the subscription delivery location. For publications that do AAM reporting, each delivery location receiving more than 25 copies per issue must have a separate Town of 25 ID.

Truck Departure

A set of trucks that are placed in a certain order (typically the order the trucks leave the dock).

Truck Manifest

A report that tells a truck drivers what the truck contains, the order in which it should be placed on the truck, and where each bundle of papers should be delivered for distribution by carriers or dealers. See Bundle Tops.

Truck Sequence

A set of route drops on a group of trucks. The truck sequence defines what order the routes will be dropped and by which truck.


To press keys on the keyboard. (Not to be confused with “enter.”) See Enter.

Unapplied Payment

A payment that has been entered for a carrier but not applied to a specific invoice.

Unearned Revenue

Unearned Revenue includes subscriber payments that have been received and posted but for which products have not yet been delivered.

Unique City

A city listed on the post office’s list of unique 3-digit Zip code cities in Publication 65, the National Zip and Post Office Directory. Mail sent to unique cities qualifies for a presort rate, provided the unique city lies outside the mailing publication’s county.

Unpaid Complimentary

In Circulation, a “complimentary” subscription that is free to the subscriber and cannot be considered as paid circulation for AAM purposes. See also Paid Complimentary.


To change the information contained in a field or record. Replacing old or inaccurate information with more current or accurate information. See Modify.

User Profile

The parameters that govern the options available to a particular user, including home menu, view/print options, valid publications, etc.


A program that performs housekeeping functions, such as purging or reorganizing records in a file.

Vac Pack (Vacation Pack)

A subscription option that either suspends the subscription(s) delivered or transfers the subscription(s) delivery to the subscriber’s vacation address (or elsewhere) for the duration of the vacation. When the vacation period is over, delivery resumes at the subscriber’s address. If the subscription delivery was suspended, various options are available for applying credits for the undelivered issues. A promotional vac pack rate may be created in which the subscriber’s expiration date is extended either the full time or half the time of the vac pack.

Walk Sequence

The order in which newspaper carriers or postal carriers deliver their routes. For example, a carrier might deliver 223 Elm St., 227 Elm St., 3170 Oak St, etc. Both carrier walk sequence and postal walk sequence can be added through a utility.

Zip Code

The Zip code was developed by the Postal Service for the delivery of mail. It contains 5 digits: (1) one 10 Postal Service delivery areas, (2) state, portion of a state, or group of states, (3) major post office location, (4 & 5) local delivery area. Four extra digits (called “Zip+4”) can also be added to the Zip code to further differentiate the address. The first two digits of the Zip+4 indicate a “block face” of a street, a building, or a floor within a building. The last two digits identify a specific address.

Zip Code Zone

The postal zone assigned to an address based on its distance from the mailing location. The post office provides postal zone information for its mailing location.

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