Grace Due

The Grace Due report lists subscriber grace activity that occurred during a specified date range. If you recognize earned revenue for grace days delivered to subscribers while they are still in their grace period (a Business Rules consideration), running the report in update mode will also create Grace Accrual transactions.

Because Transaction Processing can create grace owed transactions, final transaction processing must be complete through the end date of the report.

If any of the following activities have taken place since the last day of the period, a Historical Unearned or Grace Due should not be run.

  • Change in the Premium Day Calendar

  • Run any Premium Day processing

Note: If you are using Premium Day or a wallet of any kind, it is time sensitive.

The Grace Due report creates the following transactions when run in update mode:

  • A Grace Accrual transaction is created with a transaction date matching the report’s end date. Grace Accrual is a running total of the amount of grace that a subscriber has accumulated.

  • A reversing Grace Accrual transaction is also created with a transaction date of the end date of the report plus one day, which causes it to be picked up in the next period.

  • A set of GL transactions is created for the total amount of grace accrued, with a transaction date matching the report’s end date.

  • A set of reversing GL transactions is created with a transaction date of the end date of the report plus one day, which causes them to apply to the next period.

The following table describes how Grace Accrual is calculated on the Grace Due Report. In this example, a subscriber is on a 2.60/week rate and, while in grace, will accumulate 2.60 in new grace each week. Each time the Grace Due report is run, the total grace accrual is updated, and the new, prior, and total grace accrual amounts are shown. When a payment is made, the total grace accrual will be reduced, and the new amount shown will be the reversing entry from the previous period’s total. The table also shows how earned revenue will be reported in this situation.

In the final period of this example, subscriber revenue in the General Ledger will be debited 7.80 (the grace accrual amount) and credited 10.40 for four weeks at a 2.60 weekly rate, resulting in a net credit of 2.60 for the current week.

The Grace Due report contains two sections. The first section lists subscribers with grace owed amounts. Subscribers who are still in their grace period will not be listed in this area of the report unless they have grace owed from a previous subscription period.

The second section of the report lists subscribers currently in their grace period.

To produce the report:

  1. Select Grace Due from the Subscriber menu to display the Grace Due Report window.

  2. Click Add and complete the following fields.

  3. Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.

The columns on the Grace Due report are described below.

Example—Grace Due Report

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