
The Subscription tab contains a variety of information about a customer’s subscription, including:

  • The publication to which he/she is subscribed.

  • The subscription status (e.g., Active, Perm Stopped, Temp Stopped, Vac-Online).

  • The billing method (Office Pay, Carrier Collect, Paid Comp, Unpaid Comp). Auto-renew credit card and bank draft subscribers can have different labels (such as “auto renew card” and “auto renew bank”) as defined by Business Rules.

  • The current rate.

  • The start and expire date of the subscription.

  • The delivery schedule, which determines which days the subscriber receives the paper.

  • The route, route type and carrier delivering the newspaper (if route delivered) or the label group (if mail delivered).

  • The district and carrier, if route delivered.

  • The delivery method (route or mail) for each day.

  • The current balance and tax remaining in the subscription, the current discount amount remaining (discounts are amortized throughout the length of the subscription) and number of papers (copies) left in the subscription.

  • The current premium amount (wallet balance), if the subscriber has purchased premium days in their subscription period. See premium days.

  • The Messages tab, containing messages that apply to this subscriber.

  • The Auto Pay tab, if the subscriber automatically renews using a credit card or bank account.

  • The Billing Info tab, containing the subscriber’s bill-to address, if it is different from the delivery address. Renewal delivery information is also displayed here.

  • The Mail-To tab, which will contain the subscriber’s mail-to address if one exists.

  • The Gift Subscribers tab, which lists any gift subscriptions paid for by this occupant (i.e., all of the subscribers for which this occupant is the bill-to occupant).

  • Additional addresses, delivery directions, delivery instructions, and delivery placement, if applicable, in their own tab.

  • The Multiple Routes tab if the subscription is delivered by multiple routes.

  • The Deadlines tab, which indicates the time by which the route should be delivered on each day of the week, as well as the cutoff time for dispatched shortages.

  • The Carriers tab, showing all carriers associated with a selected subscription.

  • The Combined Payments tab, showing a summary of all payments made on a combo subscription (active only for combo subscriptions).


Some of these fields will be blank and some of the tabs will be inaccessible, depending upon the customer. With a non-subscriber, for example, only the STATUS field on the Subscription tab will contain information.

In addition, if the subscriber has multiple subscriptions, they will appear in the Subscriptions window, to the right of the Transaction Summary window. Double-click on a subscription to display it in the Subscription tab.

Last updated