Carrier Mail Export

The following data elements can be used with the “CarrierMailExp” usage.

Data Element

Account ID

The ID of the account.

Account Name

Account’s name

Account Phone Number

Account’s phone number

Ad Zone ID

Ad zone ID

All Message

“All” message entered in Bundle Info.

Billing Method

Account’s billing method


Address’ building

Carrier Notification ID

ID of the account notification method

City ID



Address’ complex

Component Product ID

ID of the component product, if part of a combined publication. Same as the Product ID if there is no combined publication.

Component Route ID

Route ID associated with the component product, if part of a combined publication. Same as the Route ID if there is no combined publication.


Number of copies

Copies [day of week]

Copies by day of the week

Create Date Create Time Create User

Date, time and user information for the message

Delivery Instructions

Instructions for delivering the paper to the subscriber

Delivery Schedule ID

ID of the delivery schedule

Directions to Address

Directions to the subscriber’s address

Distrib Type Message

Route, motor, or single copy message entered in Bundle Info

Drop Location Line [1-6]

Drop location (lines 1-6)

Drop Order

The drop order of the route on the truck

Edition ID

The route’s edition

Expire Date

Subscription expire date (for office pay subscribers)

External Subscription ID

Subscriber’s ID for external publication

First Name

Occupant’s first name

Honorific ID

Occupant’s honorific

House Number

Address house number

House Number Modifier

Address’ house number modifier

Insert Mix

Name of the insert mix

Last Name

Occupant’s last name

Level Designator ID

Address’ level type

Level Number

Address’ level number

Line Feed

A line feed to start a new line

Literal Value

Literal fields are hard-coded to display whatever is entered in “format”. For example, if a field should always display “Z”, set it up as a literal value and enter “Z” in FORMAT.

Message Date

Date of the message

Message ID

ID of the message

Message Label

Label of the message

Message Text

Text of the message

Message Type

Type of message

Method Type

The type of notification method (e.g., phone type if notification method is phone)

Middle Initial

Occupant’s middle initial

Name Address Line [1-6]

These six lines can be used for the subscriber’s name and address, rather than using individual name and address elements.

Notification Method

Type of account notification (email, phone, etc.)

Notification Method Details

Specific phone number, email address, URL, etc.

Occupant Salutation ID

The occupant’s title

Other Name

Occupant’s other name


Indicates whether the reason code is permanent


Address postdirectional


Address predirectional

Primary Contract Holder

Setting of the Business Rule, What account demographic should be used for the Primary Contract Holder in the Vendor and Carrier Mail Exports? (Account Setup section).

Product ID Publication Name

Subscriber’s publication ID and name

Publish Date

Publishing date on which transaction was processed

Rate Code ID

Subscriber’s rate code

Rate Description

Description of subscriber’s rate code


Reason code entered for transaction

Restart Date

Subscriber’s restart date

Route ID

ID of the route

Route Name

Name of the route

Source Code

Source code entered for the transaction

State ID


Street Name

Address street name

Street Suffix ID

Street type

Subscriber Phone Area Code

Area code of subscriber’s phone number (e.g., the 304 in 3045551234)

Subscriber Phone Number

Subscriber’s phone number, including area code (e.g., 3045551234)

Subscriber Phone Prefix and Line

Subscriber’s phone number, not including area code (e.g., 5551234)

Subscription ID

Subscriber’s subscription ID

Subsource ID

Subsource for source code entered with transaction.

TM Product ID

ID of the TM product

Tran Date

Transaction date for subscriber transaction.

Tran Number

Transaction ID

Tran Type ID

Transaction type

Truck ID

ID of the truck

Unit Designator ID

Address’ unit designator

Unit Number

Address’ unit number

Zip Code

Zip/postal code

Zip Extension

Zip/postal extension

Last updated
