Address Audit Reports
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Audit reports that are connected with address transactions can be produced from the AUDIT-ADDRESS menu. Most of these reports apply to both subscribers and non-subscribers. They are helpful in keeping your address records in order. Since these reports are quite similar to one another, they are documented together as one section.
The address audit reports are described below, and selected examples are shown after the descriptions.
Addresses Added. The Addresses Added report lists all addresses that were added to the Circulation database within a given date range and, optionally, for specific create users.
Addresses Changed. The Addresses Changed report lists all addresses that were modified within a certain date range, the fields that were changed, and the old and new address data. The report can optionally be run for specific users, allowing you to exclude changes made by mass processes. For example, the report could be run for all users except the user who typically runs the Batch Address Hygiene process.
Addresses Deleted. The Addresses Deleted report has the same format as the Addresses Added report, but lists addresses that were deleted from the database within a given date range. The report can optionally be run for specific create users.
Addresses By Zip. The Addresses by Zip Code report has the same format as the Addresses Added report, but does not work within a date range. Instead, it lists all addresses in the database that fall within the specified Zip codes. You can run the report for all Zip codes, a single Zip code, or multi-select Zip codes.
Address & No Route. The Addresses Not Assigned a Route report can be used to insure that all addresses that should be assigned to a route are assigned to a route. For all publications using the delivery map specified, the report lists addresses that have no route but have Zip codes indicating they should be assigned to one (see Zip in the Setup Manual). The fields for this report are described below.
Enter a delivery map, which will determine the routes to be considered in the report.
Enter the date on which route assignments should be based.
Multiple Subs. The Multiple Subscriptions at Same Address report lists all addresses that have multiple subscriptions as of a run date, along with the subscriber names and subscription information. Note that in cases where an address has more than one record in the database, the word “duplicate” will appear between the duplicate addresses.
Multiple Occupants. The Multiple Occupants at Same Address report lists all multiple occupant addresses as of a run date, along with the occupant names and subscriber information; both subscribers and non-subscribers are included. Note that non-subscribers listed in the Multiple Occupants at Same Address report will not have information in the Product, Account Status, Last Tran Date or Tran Type columns.