Subscriber Activity Import Format

File type: Pipe delimited.

Location: /dti/exchange/cm/secure. The file name is user-defined.

The Account Lookup Record, which is required, must be followed by transaction data that starts on a separate line. The following is an example of how the file might look if you were importing billing change transactions.

Example—Subscriber Activity Import

Account Lookup Record (this record is required)

Solicitation Update Record

Start Transaction Record

Delivery Schedule Change Record

Restart Transaction Record

Billing Change Transaction Record

Payment Transaction Record

Stop Transaction Record

Complaint Transaction Record

Combo Change Transaction Record

Delivery Address Record

Note: Delivery Address records are optional, and may only follow a Start or Delivery Schedule transaction record. There may be up to six Delivery Address records per transaction. The address that is specified on the Account record is considered the primary address. If there are any Delivery Address records, they are secondary delivery addresses that override the primary address for the days specified.

Move Transaction Record

Demographic Answer Record

Extra Record

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