Auto Notice Export Format

The Auto Notice Export can use the “Detailed Export 2” format (described with Renewal Notices) or the “DTI Standard” format, depending on Business Rules. The DTI Standard format is described below.

DTI Standard

File Type: Pipe delimited

File location: /dti/exchange/cm. The file name will be noticeMMDDYY-xxx, where “MMDDYY” represents the month, date and year of the export, respectively, and “xxx” represents an incrementing sequence number that distinguishes files exported on the same day. The file contain the following items, delimited by the pipe symbol (|):


Subscription ID

Deliver-To First Name

Deliver-To Last Name

Deliver-To Other Name

Deliver-To Address (1)

Deliver-To Address (2)

Deliver-To City

Deliver-To State

Deliver-To ZIP

Bill-To First Name

Bill-To Last Name

Bill-To Other Name

Bill-To Address (1)

Bill-To Address (2)

Bill-To City

Bill-To State

Bill-To ZIP

Bill-To Route

Auto Renew Subs. Length

Auto Renew Subs. Term

Auto Renew Amount

Credit Card Type

Expire Date


Current Expire Date

Last updated