Discount Prediction
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Last updated
Subscribers may receive discounts with their subscription in a number of ways, including discounts for a promotional or reduced rate, term discounts, and override discounts (if the term and length are overridden during a payment).
Circulation departments often track discount amounts closely, for AAM purposes and other reasons. The Discount Prediction report can be used to predict future discounts. For each rate code, the total discount amount and total number of subscribers are listed. Discounts for the next six fiscal periods will be given in separate columns; periods 7-9 and periods 10-12 will be in their own columns. The column heading will be the last date of the fiscal period.
Subscriber discounts will be calculated through their current expire or end grace period.
This report assumes that subscribers will stay on their current rates, and it uses those rates to predict the discounts.
It uses the fiscal periods that have been set up to determine the blocks of time to value, and the current subscription periods to calculate discounts up to the next expire, renewal, or stop.
All pending renewals are included in the calculations for each period.
Grace period length is used to determine the rates for each period.
The temp-stop logic works as follows, regardless of the Subscriber Type selected:
If there is a temp stop with a restart, the restart date will be used to start valuing the subscription (instead of the start date of the report). In other words, the lapse period is ignored. These subscribers are included in the upper section of the report.
If there is a temp stop with no restart:
If the expire or end-grace date is before the start date of the report, those subscribers are not included in the report.
If the expire or end-grace date is in the future, the start date of the report will be used to value the period. These subscribers are included in the Temp Stop section of the report, which includes both in-grace and paid subscribers.
If a subscriber has a future perm stop, the discount will be calculated only up to the perm stop date. Discounts on available refunds for perm-stopped subscribers will not be included in the calculation.
Select Discount Prediction from the Subscriber menu.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
Enter the product to include in the report (enter “*” to multi-select products).
Enter the date range of the report. As this report predicts future discounts, the start date must be after the current publishing date.
Indicate whether only paid subscribers (who are not in grace) should be included, only in grace subscribers, or both.
Subscribers can be selected for the report based on area, region, zone, district, or Zip code. Enter the selection type in this field.
Depending on what was entered in Selection Type, enter the area, region, zone, district or Zip code to include in the report, or enter “*” to multi-select.
Indicate whether the report should contain the detail section (each rate code broken out by fiscal period), the summary section (grand totals for each rate code), or both.
yes/no open (20)
Indicate whether the report should be exported to an ASCII file. If so, enter the file name to be used in the export. The file will be exported to the /dti/exchange/cm
directory. The format is the same as the report, but with pipes (|) between columns.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.