Viewing Customer Information

Customers often call to get information about their account; for example, the number of days left in their subscription or their balance. Customer Service associates also find this information useful when trying to solve a service or billing problem with a subscriber. This information is displayed on the tabs in the lower part of the window. Only the tabs relevant to a particular customer will be active. These tabs are described and discussed individually below.


View subscription information for a customer.

View and maintain a customer’s address information.

View and maintain a customer’s occupant information.

View and maintain phone numbers and e-mails, as well as communication and solicitation preferences.

View occupant and address demographic questions and answers for this customer. Answers can also be entered here.

View adjustments to the subscription’s expire date and invoice activity for the subscriber.

View the subscriber’s rate history.

View the rate and rate terms for a subscription.

View tax authorities, tax impact, TM products, inserts delivered, recent transactions, communication history and authentication logins.

View the transactions associated with a subscriber.

Set up rewards programs, display rewards, and enter manual rewards adjustments.

Add and find customer messages.

View merchandise associated with a subscription.

View tasks generated for individual subscribers and add manual tasks.

Display the address ID, occupant ID, and selected transaction ID for a subscriber.

Last updated
