Draw Variance

The Draw Variance Report is a useful tool for locating problems in your draw figures; it can be run for a particular day of the week or all days. Inaccurate draws can be corrected with draw changes. Run this report periodically to make sure the route’s draw balances with the number of active subscribers.

The report shows only discrepancies. If a draw balances to the number of subscribers on a route with that billing method, it is not included in the report. A separate line will be printed for each delivery schedule, billing method, and rate code combination (rate codes will be displayed only if you have Business Rules set to store draw by rate code).

Note: If you have hybrid route/mail subscriptions for a publication, the Draw Variance report should be generated outside of the publishing run for that publication (after End Publ Run is run for one day and before Start Publ Run is run for the next day).

To produce this report:

  • Select Draw Variance Report from the Route menu to display the Draw Variance Exception Report window.

  • Click Add and complete the following fields.

  • Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.

Example—Draw Variance Report

Last updated
