Interface to AP Formats

Note: All of the interfaces described in this section except the DTI Standard format require a separate license fee to use. Contact the Newscycle Support Center for more information.

File type:

  • The DTI Standard format is space delimited, with non-numeric fields in double quotes.

  • Compu-Share, Lawson, Dunn and Bradstreet, and PeopleSoft formats are fixed length.

  • The Great Plains format is comma-delimited, with each value (including the field names), enclosed in quotation marks.


/dti/exchange/cm/secure/apcheck.d. If credits are exported via Midmonth Pmt Export, the file name will be /dti/exchange/cm/secure/midmonthpmtMMDD, where “MMDD” are the month and day of the due date entered. If Misc. Charges Export exports the credits, the file name will be /dti/exchange/cm/secure/misccredsMMDD.


  • The default file name for the AP interface file is apcheck.d. The Business Rule— “What is the default name for the credit balance file?” (Account Finance section) allows you to change this default.

  • Circulation will append apcheck.d each time you run the Interface to AP. You should rename this file or move it to a different location to avoid interfacing duplicate transactions.

DTI Standard Format

Sample Output

“001” “0250” 34.10 “04/10/96” “501-77- 7010” “4C4” “office”

The interface also creates a vendor file (apvendchk.d or midmonthvnd<mmdd>) in the /dti/exchange/cm directory. This file can be used to create vendor information in Accounts Payable. The format is space delimited with non-numeric fields in double quotes.

Compu-Share Format

Dunn and Bradstreet Format

Great Plains Format

Note: The first line of the export file will contain the field (column) headings. The remaining lines will contain data.

Lawson Format

PeopleSoft II Format

PeopleSoft 3 Format

Required fields are marked with an asterisk. Each export produces two files: a voucher file with three records and a vendor file with six records. The same format is used for the subscriber refunds export to PeopleSoft 3.

PeopleSoft 3 Voucher File—Voucher Record

PeopleSoft 3 Voucher File—Voucher Line Record

PeopleSoft 3 Voucher File—Distrib Line Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor Address Scroll Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor Addr Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor Invoice Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor Pay Record

PeopleSoft 3 Vendor File—Vendor 1099 Record

Note: If a vendor is not a 1099 vendor, then only complete the first 6 fields and space fill the remainder of the record.

Last updated
