Truck Manifest
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The truck manifest is a document produced during the publishing run that lists the drops on each truck. Drops may consist of routes, relay truck drops, or individual subscribers (“throwoffs”). The truck manifest shows how many bundles and papers go to each drop and in what order those drops will be made. This is used to help distribution personnel load trucks and the truck driver to keep track of the drops and number of bundles and papers for each drop on the truck. In addition, the truck manifest has the following features:
It is subtotalled by truck with grand totals by product.
A summary page that lists totals for the entire manifest is included at the end.
All routes that are bulked on the truck into one bundle top are listed separately, with a notation that the route is part of the truck bulk bundles.
All routes where the total draw is less than the minimum bundle size (“hand-tie” bundles) are flagged with the label defined in Business Rules.
If advance sections have been distributed for the publishing date, advance updraws or section detail can print with each drop on the manifest.
If an additional product (such as a TM product) is included with the publication on this publishing run, the product may also be printed on the truck manifest, indicating how many copies should be distributed to each route.
Business Rules in the Route Processing section determine, among other things, whether editions and TM products are printed on the truck manifest, the print order of the manifest (ascending or descending truck order), whether a blank column is included for recording the returns picked up by the driver, and the label that should appear on hand-tie bundles (so they can be identified among regular bundles).
Business Rules also govern whether truck manifest data is exported to an ASCII file (which allows you to import the manifest into word processing software and format it as you like). If so, the ASCII file will be exported to the /dti/exchange/cm directory
and be named manifest<processid>
, where <processid>
is the system ID of the process that generated the file. The advance truck manifest will be named advmanifest<processid>
. See Appendix B in the User Manual for the format of the export file.
Before printing bundle tops, you must first enter bundle size information (see Enter Bundle Info).
Select Truck Manifest from the Distribution menu to display the Truck Manifest window.
Select the product, edition, departure sequence and truck sequence for which to create the truck manifest by selecting the appropriate Process checkbox. If you use publishing groups (see A Note on Publishing Groups), the publishing group will also be listed. Note that edition will be “*” unless you have separate publishing runs at the edition level (see A Note on Editions for details).
Click Continue to produce the manifest.