Subscriber Lockbox File Format (Standard)

File type: Fixed length.

Location: The file must be located in the /dti/exchange/cm directory. The default file name is sublockbox.d.




1 (header record begins)




Payment deposit date (the format is yymmdd)

Payment Records


6 (beginning of payment records)


Bank batch number


Bank Tran number


Payment amount (8 integer, 2 decimal)


First payment option (payment options are often contained in a renewal notice scan line and represent subscription lengths)


Second payment option


Third payment option


Fourth payment option


Subscriber ID in Circulation (often contained in the scan line)


Check digit (often contained in the scan line). Business Rules determine whether the check digit is verified by Circulation when the lockbox file is read. If so, the formula below is used.


Batch number + Tran number


Tip amount (also included in payment amount)


Coupon amount


Adjustment amount (for example, NIE donation). If there is an amount, the adjustment code is determined by the file map used.

Batch Trailer Record


7 (beginning of batch trailer record)


Bank batch number


Total count of records in batch


Total payment amount of batch

File Trailer Record


8 (beginning of file trailer record)


Total count of records in file


Total payment amount of batch

About Scan Lines

Scan lines are often printed on renewal notices. When the renewal is mailed in, the scan line is scanned and the information included in the lockbox file. Circulation has two scan line formats, as determined by the Business Rule— Which scan line format should be used when exporting renewals/invoices? (Subscriber Billing section). Examples are shown below.

DTI Standard

  • Lowest term amount (7)

  • 2nd lowest term amount (7)

  • 3rd lowest term amount (7)

  • 4th lowest term amount (7)

  • Subscriber ID (10)

  • Check digit (1)


  • Subscription ID (10)

  • Check digit (1)

  • Highest term amount (6)

  • Check digit (1)

  • 2nd highest term amount (6)

  • Check digit (1)

  • 3rd highest term amount (6)

  • Check digit (1)

  • 4th highest term amount (6)

  • Check digit (1)

  • Renewal notice/invoice period (1)


  • The actual number of subscription rates exported is driven by the Business Rule, How many rate terms do you export and include in the scan line? Four (the default) are shown in these examples. It is possible to export between one and ten.

  • Another Business Rule, Should a renewal offer be included in the scan line?, determines if a renewal offer is also included. If this Business Rule is set to “yes”, the most expensive term within the oldest active renewal offer will be exported after the last rate term.

Formula for Calculating Check Digit (Standard format)

To calculate the check digit, Circulation looks at positions 18 - 55 in the payment record (the four payment options plus the subscription ID). The odd positions are multiplied by 2, the even by 1, and the resulting digits are totaled and divided by 10. The remainder is the check digit. Note that it is the digits that are totaled, not the numbers. So, if on odd position were 7, then 7 * 2 would be 14; when totaled, Circulation would not add 14, but 5 (1 + 4).

For example,

If positions 18 - 55 were:


Multiplying the odd digits by 2 and the even by one would give us:


The sum of these digits is 68. 68/10 gives us 6 with a remainder of 8. So the check digit should be 8.

Formula for Calculating Check Digit (NCR format)

Unlike the Standard format, each NCR check digit reflects only the number in the previous field. For example the first check digit is based on the subscription ID, the next on the highest term amount, and so on. A “371” weight method is used calculate the NCR check digit:

  1. The first digit is multiplied by 3, the second by 7, the third by 1. The cycle then starts again (the fourth digit is multiplied by 3, the fifth by 7, and so on).

  2. The sum of each result is added together.

  3. The sum total is divided by ten. The remainder is then subtracted from ten to find the check digit (if the remainder is zero the check digit will be 0).

For example,

If a term amount is 003550, we do the following calculations:

(0 x 3) + (0 x 7) + (3 x 1) + (5 x 3) + (5 x 7) + (0 x 1) = 53

53/10 leaves a remainder of 3.

10 - 3 = 7

The check digit will be 7.

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