Rate by 100
The Rate by 100 Report is a useful summary of a publication’s per-copy rates for accounts, broken out by AAM zone. For two date ranges, it lists:
Total charges:
Draw charges and credits, including draw adjustments (draw * rate)
Return credits (returns * rate)
Net charges (draw charges - return credits)
Total copies:
Total draw, including draw adjustments
Total returns
Net draw (draw - returns)
Average copies:
Total draw / number of publishing days in range
Total returns / number of publishing days in range
Net draw / number of publishing days in range
Average rate per 100:
(Draw charges / total draw) * 100
(Return credits / total returns) * 100
(Net charges / net total) * 100
The report will print in publication order and, within each publication, in AAM zone order. The report does not rate draw on its own, but relies on draw information created by Account Billing Processing (see the Accounting chapter of the User Manual). Therefore, if you want unbilled charges included on the report you must start an account billing run, process it, create the Rate by 100 Report, and then undo the billing run. Bulk and unpaid circulation is not included on the report.
To create the Rate By 100 Report:
Select Rate By 100 from the Management menu to display the Rate By 100 Report window.
Click Add and complete the following fields.
FieldTypeWhat to enterPRODUCT
Enter the publication to include in this report (enter “*” to multi-select publications).
In the four date fields, specify the two ranges of dates to compare.
Indicate which days of the week should be included in the report. For example, you may want to include only Thursdays. Enter “*” to multi-select days.
Click OK and then Continue to produce the report.
Example—Rate By 100 Report
Last updated