Auto Accept Batches

This option is used to accept all suspended batches of subscriber payments that are not currently in use.

Imported and system-generated batches (such as Customer Services payment batches) will only be auto-accepted if the Business Rule— Should batches that are imported or created by the system be accepted automatically? is set to “Yes.” If these batches can be auto-applied, one-time bank draft batches from Customer Services will only be applied if another Business Rule— Should payment batches containing one-time bank draft payments be auto accepted?, is set to “Yes.”

To accept all suspended batches:

  • Select Subscription/Address | Auto Accept Batches in Graphical Utilities to display the Auto Accept Batches window. Currently, only subscriber payment batches can be accepted automatically, and the Batch Type field cannot be modified.

  • Click Add.

  • Click OK to accept all open batches.

Last updated
