Auto Notice Export

When you run the Auto Notice Export, Circulation creates an ASCII file of subscribers with subscriptions that expire within a certain number of days (defined in Setup—see Publication in the Setup Manual). This file can then be incorporated into a form letter using your word processor. See Auto Notice Export Format for the formats.

When it searches for subscribers who should receive an auto-renew notice, Circulation will use three values: the run date that you specify, the expiration date for the subscriber, and the number of notice days specified in setup. If a subscriber has already had an auto-renew notice for this expiration date, that subscriber will not be selected.

If the expire date minus the run date is less than or equal to the notice days, the subscriber will be selected for an auto-renew notice:

Subscriber Expiration Date - Run Date <= x Where x = number days from Auto Renew Term

For example, if the run date is 12/15, and auto-renew notices are generated 4 days before the expiration date, an auto-renew credit card subscriber with an expire date of 12/18 would be selected (18 - 15 <= 4). So would a subscriber with an expire date of 12/12, provided a notice had not already been sent (12 - 15 <=4). A subscriber with an expiration date of 12/21, however, would not be selected (21 - 15 > 4).

Subscribers will also be skipped if:

  • Any unprocessed payment, auto-renew, or transfer-in transactions may push the expire date beyond the run date.

  • An auto-notice transaction has been sent since the last auto renew and a message will be sent to the log file for any skipped subscribers.

To produce auto-renew notices:

  1. Select Auto Notice Export from the Subscriber menu to display the Auto Renew Notice Export window.

  2. Click Add and complete the following fields.

  3. Select Continue to create the file. As part of the process, a report will be created listing any errors that occurred during processing, and other information. An auto-renew transaction will be created for the subscription.

Last updated
