Subscriber Lockbox

The following data elements can be used with the “SubLockbox” usage.

Data Element

Account Holder Name

Name on the credit card or bank account.

Account Number

Subscriber’s bank account number.

Account Type

Bank draft subscriber’s account type (checking or savings).

Adjustment Amount

Subscriber cash payment adjustment; for example, 5.00 for a t-shirt. A popup window will open for entry of a payment adjust code.

Authorization Number

Credit card authorization number.

Bank Client Type

Type of bank account—this can be “personal” or “business”

Bank Number

The bank number of the subscriber’s bank.

Batch Total Elements

A number of elements exist for batch totals of adjustment, coupon, payment and tip totals. BatchAdjustmentTotal BatchCouponTotal BatchPayment+CashAdj+TipsTotal BatchPayment+CashAdjTotal BatchPayment+TipsTotal BatchPaymentTotal BatchTipTotal

Batch Date

The date the batch was created.

Batch Record Count

The total number of records in the batch.

Batch Remarks

Any user remarks about the batch.

Check Digit***

Check digits are used to verify that information in other fields is correct.

Check Number

Check number, if subscriber paid with check.

Coupon Amount

Amount of coupon sent in with subscriber payment.

Coupon Total

Total dollar value of all coupons in the record type.

Credit Card Expires

Expire date of credit card.

Credit Card Type

Type of credit card (Visa, Mastercard, etc.)

Credit Card Vault ID

Vault ID used only with off-site credit card storage.

File Totals elements

A number of elements exist for file totals (in cases where the file contains more than one batch). FileAdjustmentTotal FileCouponTotal FilePayment+CashAdj+TipsTotal FilePayment+CashAdjTotal FilePayment+TipsTotal FilePaymentTotal FileTipTotal

File Date

The date the file was created.

File Record Count

The total number of records in the file.

File Remarks

Any user remarks about the file.


Filler denotes blank fields or information that will not be used in Circulation; these fields will be ignored.

Last Name

Subscriber’s last name.

Lockbox ID

Destination of lockbox file.

Masked Credit Card Number

The credit card number with all but the last four digits masked (replaced with “*”). Used only for off-site credit card storage.

Payment Amount elements

There are several elements for payment amounts, for payments that include payment adjustments, tips, neither or both. PaymentAmount PaymentAmount+CashAdjusts PaymentAmount+CashAdjusts+Tips PaymentAmount+Tips

Payment Date

Date of the payment.


Indicates the payment type, whether the payment is a check, cash, credit card or bank draft payment.

Record Identifier**

Field that identifies the record type, for example “D” to indicate a detail record. This must be the first field in the record.


Remarks about the payment or other item.

Scan Line***

Contents of the lockbox scan line from the renewal notice. The scan line contains four payment terms, the subscription ID and a check digit.

Subscription ID*

Subscriber’s account ID in Circulation.

Tip Amount

The amount of the tip, if any, sent with the payment.


Credit card or bank draft transaction ID.

* Field is required

** Field is required if a record identifier is entered on the record type setup screen.

*** Required if the Business Rule Should subscriber lock box files verify the scan line against the check digit? is set to “Yes.”

Last updated