
Occasionally, subscribers ask to transfer money from their account to another account. For example, a subscriber who is moving out of state may transfer his or her remaining subscription copies to a friend who is also a customer. A transfer out will create both a transfer-out transaction (for the subscriber giving the transfer) and a transfer-in transaction (for the subscriber receiving the transfer). Transfer-in transactions can only be viewed—to modify the transfer, you must modify the transfer-out transaction.

When a transfer is entered for a combo subscription, the total transfer amount will be split among all components products of the combo using percentages derived from Rate Setup. For example, a total transfer amount of 15.00 could be split into an 11.25 transfer from one product and a 3.75 transfer from a second product (assuming the combo contains two products). In this example, the first product makes up 75% of the combo’s rate, so 75% of the total transfer amount will come from that product.

To transfer a balance:

  • Find the customer whose balance you will be transferring.

  • Complete the fields described below and click OK.

Last updated
