Draw Forecast Export

The following data elements can be used with the “DrwForecastExprt” usage.

Account ID

Drop Country ID

Export End Date

Address Line [1 - 6]

Drop County ID

Export Start Date

Area ID

Drop House Number


Demographic Answer

Drop House Number Modifier

Line Feed

Distribution Type

Drop Post Directional

Literal Value

Distrib Zone ID

Drop Pre Directional

Other Name

District ID

Drop State ID

Product ID

Draw Adjust Total

Drop Street Name

Region ID

Draw Class ID

Drop Street Suffix ID

Return Total

Draw Date

Drop Unit Designator ID

Route Class ID

Draw Total

Drop Unit Number

Route ID

Drop Address Line [1-6]

Drop Zip

Route Name

Drop City ID

Drop Zip Extension

Route Type ID

Edition ID

Truck ID

Last updated
